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It was Wednesday afternoon and the power was finally fixed and back on.

Mr Black had left yesterday and will be returning today. For that reason, I decided to stay in the spare room so Cody wasn't alone in the big mansion by himself.

Plus also he has been finding his way to my bed in the early mornings. Which I didn't mind.

I had dinner cooking on low, Cody was napping and I was sitting at the small table in the kitchen staring off in to the window.

I haven't been game enough to go back outside since Monday, in fear of catching a cold or the flu, but I had to go to my unit to get some more clothes. I've been wearing the same two outfits every day now.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the front door. I winced at the noise, hoping it didn't wake Cody up.

I got up and pulled on my jacket as I went to venture outside.

I was slightly annoyed. Percy rang me earlier and we had a heated discussion because of my work hours. We've been seeing each other for five months now and he wanted to do dinner and I couldn't confirm what night I was free.

So my anger went to Oliver Black.

"Monty, where's Cody?" I heard him as I stepped out.

I popped my head back in to the kitchen. "Napping." I snapped at him. I made my way down the stairs, being careful of where to step due to a fresh blanket of snow from last night.

Oliver followed me outside, his thick coat keeping him warm. "Woah!" He said from behind. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened!" I bit back. I was nearly at the gate that led me to the unit.

"You're very moody."

I turned to him. "I'm moody because I can't even guarantee when I can go see Percy next."

I watched his face as Oliver frowned, then smirked then laughed. "Percy?" It was a deep hard laugh. "Is that his name? Percy?"

I wanted to smash him in the face. I looked down at the ankle deep snow and grinned. I picked up a handful of snow and pegged it at him.

"Percy is a nice man!" I yelled at him as I threw another snowball. "I like Percy!" Then another snowball left my hand. All three had missed him as Oliver stood there amused, but I was determined to hit him.

I picked up more snow and tightly molded it and threw that one. I was aiming for his smug face, but it got him in the chest. Good enough. I picked up another and threw that one, this time getting him in the face.

I froze as I stared at him in surprise. Oliver wiped the snow of his no longer smug face as he grinned. I saw the mischievous glint in his eyes as he bent down and made a snowball. He threw it at me and I covered my face and leaned on to the side as I felt it fall from my hip.

I raised an eyebrow at him as I collected another snowball.

Before we knew it, we were having a snowball fight as we ran around the little back yard and I squealed every time Oliver threw one.

I smashed him in his back and ducked to get another handful as he missed me, both of us laughing as I looked up another white ball of snow came straight for me.

I went to lean away and I lost my footing, falling backwards. I landed on my back and Oliver came racing over.

"Are you okay?"

I laughed then. A real good hard laugh. Tears coming from my eyes kind of laugh. Oliver relaxed as he laughed as well. I looked up at the blue sky and then a hand came in to view. Oliver's hand. I accepted it as he helped me up and we went back inside.

We shook off the excess snow and I made coffees for us.

I felt better. My pent up anger now gone. I felt so much happier and lighter now. Then I heard the kitchen door open from the dining room and a tired little Cody stood there, rubbing his eyes.

I scooped him up and sat him next to his uncle as I made him a not too hot chocolate.

After a bath and dinner, I read Cody a book and tucked him in to bed. I brushed back his hair and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

I left the door ajar and went straight for a shower. I was pooped. I felt drained. I have felt like this since I woke up this morning, dragging my miserable bum out off bed. Then that argument with Percy happened.

The next thing I knew was I was smiling at the memory of me smashing a snowball into Oliver's face.

I turned the taps off and stepped out, drying myself. I was going to go back to my unit tonight, but I didn't have the energy for it. I wrapped the towel around me and slowly made my way to the bed room and closed the door.

It had to be exhaustion. I was so tired. I didn't even have a nice warm drink after dinner.

I slowly got dressed, putting some socks on last. I wanted to go to bed. My eyes were drooping shut and I need toothpicks to keep them open.

I almost made it to bed. Almost. Then there was a small tap on my bedroom door. It was so soft, I thought I was imaging it. Then it came again as it slowly opened.

Oliver poked his head in. "Monty?"

I stared at him. What now? I'm finished for the night. I wanted to jump up and down and throw a fit and scream no, I'm done for the day.

"Yes?" I asked him as I held the door.

"As you know I'm out again tomorrow night."

"I know."

"You can have this Friday night off."

My eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yes." I heard the annoyance in his tone. Don't push it, I told myself.

"Thank you." I mumbled. I waited till Oliver left before I closed the door. Friday night! Finally. Well at least I have an answer for Percy now.

I turned all the lights off and decided to ring Percy tomorrow. I was too exhausted to do it tonight, I might fall asleep on the phone.

Yeah, I'll ring him while I'm out tomorrow. Cody and I were going to go to the shops, so I could top up on food.

The roads were open again and safe enough for me to drive on, so that means no more being cooped up in here.

I crawled in to my bed and instantly fell asleep.

My free time is coming close to an end 😭

Please enjoy the chapter.

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