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I slipped in through the back door with my heels and handbag in my hand as I gently shut it. I had just put my car away and I wanted to sneak up to my room and go to bed.

I took a step back from the door and spun on my foot, sneaking through the service door, as I call it, straight to the stairs. I looked up and noticed there was a soft glow bouncing off the walls and thought to myself that Cody's door must be opened.

I gently took each step, noticing yesterday that one squeaked in a certain position. I'm going to have to tell Oliver to get someone out to look at that.

I turned to my left taking the inside balcony to my room. That's when I noticed that the light wasn't from Cody's room, but Oliver's. He was still awake, even though it's after 1am.

I nearly made it to my door when Oliver stepped out off his room, looking agitated.

He must have seen me drive up from his window. I know he could see me from it, but you can't see in.

I noticed that the other month, driving in.

"Right, come here." He said to me with a finger moving to the same notion. I sighed, puffing my cheeks out, as I closed my eyes and slumped.

I bypassed my door and went straight to his. Oliver closed his door as I turned to him. "Can't this wait till morning?" I whispered to him.

"It is morning."

He has started to pick up my quirky sense of humour. That's annoying.

"Daytime morning?" I grimaced at him. But he didn't answer and led me away from the door.

I noticed I still held my bag and shoes and carelessly dumped them on his bed as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Alright. Let's hear it." I demanded at him.

"Do you know what you're doing? And what time do you call this? Did you consider that? Are you two back together? Did you sleep with him?"

Wow. He ain't holding back.

"Yes I do, it's after 1am, yes I did, I don't know and none of your business." I snapped at him.

We both stared at each other waiting for the other to talk. I guess I'll go.

"I'm a grown woman. If I want to go on dates, I will. If I want to come home late, I will. Yes I know you will make my job harder tomorrow, you always do. I'm entitled to see people. I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing. If I want to sleep with him, guess what? I will." I didn't, actually. We just sat up, talking. Clearing the air.

"But why him?"

I gasped. "Uh. Why not?" I shrugged at him.

"Do you really want to go back to where you were the other week? Sulking and moping?"

I squinted my eyes at him. I didn't think I was that bad.

"Yes I did notice. I just didn't ask."

"Why? Because you thought it was inappropriate? Unprofessional?" I threw back his words.

Oliver didn't answer, he just threw daggers at me with his eyes.

"I'm not doing this." I muttered, throwing my hands up. "You get cranky when I go out, you're moody when I get home. I'm doing what you are paying me for. So what I do in my own time has nothing to do with you."

"When it concerns Cody's well being, yes it does."

"Stop using Cody as an excuse!" I screamed. My voice was so loud in the dead of the night.

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