Mrs. Banks-Does she actually care

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Song: Nothing else Matters- Marisa

Monday morning I have to go to school. As I step inside the hallway, I feel eyes on me. I hear them whispering. I try to push through the crowd in the hallway, pushing my thoughts deep down inside me so far where no one can see.

Thoughts flood my mind as I hear the rumors floating around me. First of all I'm still a virgin, but people call me names as if I've been around the block once or twice. I'm not worried about them though even if it does really hurt to hear it. What I'm worried about is my father hearing the rumors and I know he will believe them. All that is on my mind is the next beating I will have to endure.

When lunch comes around, I grab a sack lunch and head to the bathroom. I go into a stall just to get away from everyone, locking it behind me. Before I even take a bite of my sandwich the door opens and in comes a group of girls chatting away. I try to be quite.

"We know you are in here. We seen you come in; come out we just want to talk."

I don't come out. I hear them making noise, a rattle of something, then scrapping of metal on the floor like they are dragging something. They are in the stall next to this one. I happen to look up which was stupid on my part because everything from the bathroom trash comes spilling out all over me.

"If you gonna be trash, might as well wear it." One of them says and they all start laughing.

I don't come out and I guess they got tired of waiting and finally they leave. I wait a few more minutes and then open the door. Looking into the mirror, I see something sticky in my hair and I can't seem to get it to come out, what the hell. Great, just great.

I'm trying to clean myself up some when a teacher walks in. She is looking at me with sad eyes. "Oh, dear are you alright?"

"Does it look like it?" My eyes burn with tears that beg to flow but I force myself not to cry.

" know I have extra clothes in my office; come on you can't go around looking like this all day."

I want to tell her no, that I am fine but this Weston boy keeps urging me to go with her. "She won't say anything; I promise she is a really good teacher. Just let her help you."

So that's what I do. I follow her not because I want to but because he urges me.

Her office is small but big enough for a desk and two chairs. She has paintings on the walls and photos of people, I assume her family. She turns to me with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mrs. Banks, the Drama teacher. Anyway we always have oodles of clothes. I'm sure I have something that will fit you."

She opens a closet and takes out a box of clothes labeled small girls. I start to search through and find a pair of black jeans that look practically new. I keep looking for a long sleeve shirt and can't find one.

"Can't find your size, or just don't like what you see? Beggers' can't be choosers." She laughs. She starts to help me dig through the box and hold up a shirt. "Here try this on." She hands it to me.

I shake my head no but she insists. She steps out while I change. The jeans fit great and they feel amazing against my skin. I like the shirt too but it is short sleeves and it will show my arms. I try to find away to hide the marks but I have nothing. At least the razor blade cuts are on the inside of my arm so if I just don't turn my arm over she won't see it. However I have no idea what to do about the bruises.

"Just put it on Cecilia." He says.

"Weston why are you here it's not like you or anyone can help me." I huff.

"I beg to differ...I am trying to help you." He smiles.

"And how are you helping?"

"I made her go the bathroom to check on you."


"It doesn't matter how I did needed help so you're getting it."

I was about to say something when the door opened. She walks in with a smile. "You look nice dear. Now don't you feel so much better?"

I nod, "Yes, thank you." I fold my arms behind my back.

"No problem do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head no. I get ready to leave and she calls after me. "Wait you forgot your clothes. Here let me put them in a bag."

I turn around to watch her grab a bag, throw the clothes inside and then tie it. She hands me the bag and in that moment that I go reach for it; her eyes look down at my arm. I try to hide it but there is no use. I look up into her eyes and hers meet mine.

"Cecilia, you need to tell someone about this." Her voice falters with concern.

"About what?' I look down at my right arm that only has the bruises from him. "This is nothing...nothing to tell."

"Is this happening here at school? Are you getting bullied?"

"No one touches me here, only words that I'm sure I can handle. Look don't worry about me, I'm fine really."

Weston glares at me. "You are not just fine. Talk to her; I know she will listen." I roll my eyes at him. Funny how I can hear him but she can't.

I reply back to him, "I don't want to; it's no one's business." Mrs. Banks looks at me like I lost my mind.

"Sorry dear...look you don't have to talk to me, but I hope you will talk to someone about it."

I shake my head and I turn to walk out and she stops me again. You got to be kidding me all I needed was a change of clothes. Weston knew she would do this that is why he wanted her to help me.

"Have you ever thought about taking Drama?"

"No, I'm an art major besides I doubt I could stay after school anyway."

"Well I think you just might like it. You should join my class."

"What makes you think I would like Drama?" I said softly.

"I have a feeling that you could either show or hide your feelings well, like a natural actress. You know Drama is a place where you can leave everything behind and be someone different, someone new."

I know what she means. Weston keeps telling me that I should do it. I let out a long breath. "I'll think about it. Thanks for the clothes."

"You're welcome, oh wait." She reaches behind the door and comes out holding a blue jean jacket. "Here this will help."

My eyes tear up. This teacher is just being way too nice to me. "Thank you." I tell her as I reach for the jacket. I put it on without thinking and I know by the look in her eyes that she seen my other arm but she doesn't say anything.

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