They think they can save me

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Song: Battle Cry by Beth Crowley

I'm shocked when she takes me home she doesn't get out of the car. I know she wants to talk to him again but she doesn't. Maybe she is afraid what will happen.

I run around the house getting everything in order and start cooking. The minute he walks in the door, I have his plate at the table as well as my mom's. I thought for sure he wouldn't have anything to complain about tonight. I was wrong and I should have known better.

"Where the hell did you get those clothes? You didn't steal them did you?"

"No sir. Mrs. Banks let me borrow them today." I say with a low calm voice.

"Why you ashamed of your own damn clothes?" He slams his beer bottle on the table.

"No sir. Mine got drenched today and she didn't want me wearing wet clothes all day."

"So that's your excuse then." He mocks me as if I am lying to him.

"Yes sir it's the truth." My hands are under the table and I am fidgeting and pinching the skin between my thumb and index finger because I'm trying to stay calm.

"Really now, so how did your clothes get wet it didn't rain today?" He sounds like a smart ass. A drunken smart ass that is.

"Well I kind of got thrown in the girls shower room in the gym."

"You couldn't fight back huh, figures you're so weak maybe I should show you a few things."

I don't reply back to that comment. Oh hell no, I don't want him showing me anything. However after they get done eating he looks over at me. "Get up let's go."

I get up from the table and start walking to my room.

"Cecilia this way." He points to the living room.

Our living room is not like everyone else in the world. We only have two chairs and a small coffee table. Just somewhere for them to sit and drink and to smoke how could I forget that? We don't have nick-knacks or shelves full of books and DVD's. Hell we don't even own a T.V. even if we did we don't have money for cable or satellite and forget having any movies on hand they would rather spend money on beer and cigarettes.

I watch him as he moves the frail chairs out of the way and the coffee table. Then he stands in the middle of the room. "Ok now put your hands up like this." He holds his hands up and I imitate him but then he grabs my arms and puts them in the air where he wants them.

He throws the first swing and I do try to block him but he does it with full force so of course I go down. He bends down and pulls me back up. "If you don't block you're going to get hit you know that right."

Of course I know that you dumbass, but you are like twice my size. I shake my head at him.

I try blocking the next two punches, one to my side the other right in my stomach. I double over gagging and coughing up a lung.

"You got to be kidding me, get your ass up."

It takes me a minute to get up and right when I do he kicks my legs right out from under me. I fall hard to the floor. "Are you done?" He bends down grabbing my chin to make me look at him.

"Yes sir." I manage to get out while still coughing.

"Go to your room, this is a waste of my time. You deserve to get your ass kicked at school."

I stand up and limp to my room.

"Oh and you make sure you give those damn clothes back to that nosey ass teacher."

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