Dancing with Weston

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Song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Grammy helps me fix my hair and helps with my make-up, nothing major but just enough. I go put the dress on and as she is zipping up the back, I stand and look in the full size mirror. I would never have thought I would be here like this a year ago. Who knows where I would be if things didn't happen the way it did. I'm so lucky to have Grandparents that care about me so much.

Grammy stands beside me. "You are so beautiful...wait right here I'll be right back." She leaves the room then comes back holding a pearl necklace. "These belonged to my mom; I think they will look good on you." She puts them around my neck; my hand touches them and this warm feeling comes over me.

"Grammy their perfect, thank you." I turn to hug her.

"Cecilia....Weston's here." Pops yells from downstairs.

Grammy and I look at each other and she leads the way downstairs. I see Weston talking with my Pops and when he sees me he stops to stare. Weston is in a white tux with a mint green tie to match my dress. He is also holding a corsage.

When I get all the way down he removes his other hand behind his back and he is holding a dozen of red roses. "I got you these too." He says smiling.

"Weston they are beautiful....awe you didn't have to."

"I know but I wanted to." He winks at me.

Grammy comes over closer to me. "Here hand them to me; I will go find a vase to put them in."

When she comes back into the room with the flowers in a vase, she sets them on the side table by the stairs. She picks up her camera. "Ok time for pictures." We let her take a few then we head out. Weston takes me to a really nice restaurant with candles on the table. At first I wasn't so sure about the place because I know it has got to cost money and this is just not my kinda of thing but he orders and to my surprise we have burgers and fries. Nice.

When we get to the school, the gym is packed. Everyone is all dressed up in tuxes and gowns. There are balloons and ribbons of our school colors up everywhere. The music is blaring and a few couples are dancing on the dance floor. Weston pulls me onto the floor and into his arms to dance slowly with me. Ed Sheeran's voice surrounds us as he sings 'Perfect'. Weston is singing along into my ear. Not once do we step on each other's feet and he is actually an amazing dancer as if he has been practicing. I love the way his hand touches the small part of my back and pulls me into him so close enough to smell his cologne. I have my arms around his neck. His lips kiss the crook of my neck making its way to my ear. When I giggle he looks at me and laughs then kisses my lips.

We get in line to have our pictures taken to please the grandparents. We stay for a while but leave early so he can get me home in time. When he pulls up in the drive we sit in the car for a few minutes to talk.

"I had so much fun tonight, thanks for everything...the corsage, the roses, dinner, dancing, should I go on."

He laughs, "I'm glad you had fun and your welcome."

I look up towards the house. The lights are still on and I know one of them is up waiting on me. "I guess I better get in before they come out." I smirk.

"Yeah...hey let me walk you to the door." He gets out and walks over to my door and opens it up for me. He holds out his hand for me grab it. When I do, he pulls me up into his arms. His arms come around my waist and in no time his lips are on mine. He pulls back to look at me then another kiss before leading me to the front door.

"Well guess this is goodnight." He whispers.

"Goodnight Weston."

We stand on the porch looking into each other's eyes, leaning into each other for the last kiss of the night. I watch him as he walks back to the car and drives away.

When I get in the house, Pops is waiting up for me.

"I like that boy." He says as he stands from his chair. He walks over to turn off the porch light and then the living room light.

I smile at him. "Me too!"

"He seems to be a real gentleman....even brought you home ten minutes early."

I pat him on the chest. "Goodnight Pops, thanks for waiting on me."

"Goodnight kido."


Authors note: Sorry short chapter. Also sorry for skipping time. But I feel that it will work better this way. Thanks for voting. I cant believe I'm almost at 3K on reads. You guys are awesome.

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