My first date

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Song: Bright by Echosmith

I'm in the process of going through all my new clothes in my closet. I just don't know what to wear. I have never been on a date. My nerves are getting the better of me and I can feel those damn butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

I pick out a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt but when Grammy comes into my room she shakes her head. She walks over to the closet and picks out this really cute floral sundress. I only got it at the store because she had picked it up and was determined that I needed a dress. I shake my head at her. It's not that I don't like it, it's just for one it's sleeveless and my scar will show.

She holds it up to me. "Wear this you will look so beautiful in it." She gleams and her eyes sparkle all teary like.

I shake my head no again.

"I know what you're thinking dear." She picks up my arm and looks at the harsh line. It's still healing but needs fresh air. "This is something that you are going to have to live with; don't ever hide who you are."

"But Grammy..."

"But nothing. It's another story about your life. Do not ever be ashamed of it. So it was a bad difficult time in your life. We all have scars dear. Now you are going to get better; everything is going to be grand from here on out. And that boy down there waiting for you he loves you for you."

I know she is right; I can't hide it forever and one day I will have to tell my story. So I put on the dress and her face lights up. She helps me finish with my hair and then we head downstairs.

Weston is in the foyer. When he hears us coming down his face lights up, his lips move "Wow" but nothing comes out.

We head out to his new car and he opens the door for me, then closes it. I watch as he walks around the car to get in the driver's side. He is wearing blue jeans and a really nice dress shirt, a very dark royal blue that makes his skin glow even more.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He grins and he refuses to tell me.

We pull up to into a parking lot and get out. He holds my hand to an area on the grass and pulls out a blanket. I look at him puzzled.

"Ok...fine I will tell you. Here at this park they play movies on a screen outside. I thought you would like it because no one from school ever comes here they are too busy going to the Cinema in town."

"Its fine...thanks for thinking of everything."

We sit down and eat Sub sandwiches and chips. He even got both of us a bottle of Sprite. The sun goes down behind the horizon and the movie starts to play. It's really cool to watch it like this under the stars. And it feels like it's just us in our own little world. And even though the movie is not new it's fine because I have never seen it anyway. Even if I had I wouldn't have mind.

Afterwards we stay while everyone else is gathering up their belongings. I lay back on the blanket to glare into the night sky. "Hey look." I point to a shooting star. "Did you see that?"

"I did...did you make wish?"

I don't say my wish out loud, however deep inside I wished for this. All of this. I wish I could be here every night beneath the milky twilight sky with him forever.

"It's just so pretty out here, I can't believe there are that many stars out there glowing so bright. I think I could get lost if I stare long enough."

I hear a laugh of amusement under his breath and I know he is smiling I don't have to look to see it. He rolls over onto his side and blocks my view from the sky.

"Hey move it...your blocking my view here." I laugh teasing him. Really I don't mind looking into his eyes.

"I'm in your way uh..." He starts to tickle me and I burst out giggling but then I get a sharp pain and I yelp. Leaning back away from me he looks at me as if he feels bad for hurting me. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry I forgot."

"Its fine, I'm just still sore a little."

Crystal blue eyes stare back into mine and they are so freakin' cute. I'm almost in a trance glaring for so long. It seems forever but in reality it's only a few seconds. It's like we can see deep into each other's soul. Lips collide into mine. There's a feeling that comes over me that I can't explain. Compassionate, velvety, warm lips control my ever being. If this is what love feels like, I don't want it to stop. I so want more of this.

On the ride back home he holds my hand the whole way. We pull up and he turns the car off. We sit in silence for a few seconds and I finally look over at him. "Thanks for tonight I had so much fun. I guess I better be getting in they are probably still up waiting on me."

His hand grabs mine again and he is smiling ear to ear. He seems nervous. "Let me walk you to the door." He jumps out of the car and walks around to open my door. Holding his hand out for me to grab it again to get out. We walk up the worn out path to the house up to the front door. He is holding both of my hands now. "Thanks for going out with me tonight. Maybe we can do it again."

I gleam and I know my cheeks are turning a few shades of pink and he starts to turn a little pink himself. "Well guess I should go. "Goodnight." This time we lean into each other and kiss. I just can't get enough of this feeling. My heart keeps skipping beats and chills roam down my body. Dear lord I am going to melt if he keeps this up.

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