Think Before you Do

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I slowly raised my head up. I stood up quickly and shoved him over. I made it out the door quickly locking him in. "Gotcha." He began beating on the door. "Jenna! Let me out of here! You're making a huge mistake!" I laughed. "The only mistake I made was getting in that cab with you! I hope you like the dark." I ran around the house looking for keys, phone, weapon, or just something. I kept hearing my kidnapper beat on the door, yelling for me. I knew I had to act quick.
    I looked towards the front door and seen his coat hanging on a coat rack. Bingo. I searched through his pockets and found keys. I looked outside and did not see a car. There had to be a garage somewhere.
   I punched the wall next to where my kidnapper had punched holes. "Why in the hell did I get in that cab? Why did I go drink? I should've just went home!" I let out a huge scream that echoed through the silent house. "Jenna! It wouldn't have mattered anyway! I would have found another way to get you, my love. We were meant to be together! You won't escape me."
   I finally found the garage door. As I walked closer, the door swung open. "Hey Nick! I got the groce....." he just stared at me. He was about 6'5" and was absolutely gorgeous, yet at the same time terrifying. He has dark chocolate hair with bright blue eyes. He definitely worked out. He had a beard the same color as his hair, which made him look like a lumberjack. "Are you...."
  I didn't give him the chance to finish his sentence. I turned and began running as fast as I could out the front door. I knew there was nothing out there, least not for miles, but if I could
lose them, I could hopefully find my way to help.
   "Get your ass back here,bitch!" I heard the other guy yell. I knew I'd made him mad and was not about to stay around to let him take it out on me. I continued running until I could not hear him behind me anymore. I paused to let myself breathe. There was more than one now.
    Think before you do, Jenna. That's what I kept telling myself. What was I gonna do now?

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