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      What in the world do I do? I was absolutely terrified. Either way, I was screwed. "Listen. I need you to just be nice to Nick, but still have the attitude or he will know somethings up. He's coming back in less than an hour and we have to play it cool. Got it?" I rolled my eyes. Luckily, it was dark so he couldn't see me. "Cause it'll be so hard to fake it. I'm honestly pissed and terrified at the same time with both of you." I was being honest, and I don't know why. I wanted to trust him, but I couldn't. "Promise you'll help me? Promise you won't hurt me." He could sense the desperation and uneasiness in my voice.
    "I promise to give you the life you deserve. He will never be able to find us. Now, go to your room, and act like Before." He then kissed me, but I refused to kiss back. "Don't. Please." I begged. "I'm sorry, Jenna." Jase said.
    I walked out and went to my room. I decided to take a shower, and look half decent. I went into the closet and put on high waisted jeans, a peach sweater, and blacker flats. I put my hair in a French braided top knot bun, and did minimal makeup.
      It hit me. My life. It was taken away from me. Even though it's only been a month. I feel like I've been here a century. Anger took over. They took everything from me. I had dreams of
one day opening up my own salon. I planned on working with children while I got my degree. I wanted to fall in love, get married, and be successful, and maybe one have a family. I've been stripped from that. I have no other options. If I try to escape from where I'm at now, they'll catch me. They won't let me out, that's for sure.
     I snapped. I picked up a bedside lamp and chucked it into the wall. I pushed over the nightstand. I began throwing vases that were in the room and tore down the curtains in my room.  The whole time I was doing this, I was screaming in anger, hurt, confusion.
    "Jenna?!" Jase and Nick both screamed at me. I looked at them, hands on my sides, with tears streaming down my face. "What are you doing?! Are you ok?!" Nick said, not even caring about me destroying the room. "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!" Of course, Nick didn't listen, all while Jase stood in the doorway. I could see a look of hurt on his face. Not like I actually cared though. "I said don't touch me!" I yelled at Nick. "Beautiful. Stop. You're going to hurt yourself."
    I couldn't control myself. I finally broke completely. I started throwing punches and hit him in the jaw. "Jase. Help me, man. I don't want to hurt her." Jase hesitated, but came forward. "Don't you effing dare. I'm not afraid to hit you either." Nick grabbed me and put me on the bed. I instantly retaliated. I tried squirming, but he had me pinned down. "I bet you feel so big, overpowering a girl half your size." Nick started laughing as Jase grabbed my feet to gain more control over me. "Honestly, I hate doing this to you. I don't wanna hurt you, but you're bringing this on yourself. Now, STOP!" He yelled in a way that made me start shaking uncontrollably. "Dude?! What the hell? Is she ok?" Jase began yelling.
    "Jenna? Babe? Talk to us!" Nothing. I could see them and I could hear them, but I couldn't do anything. Numbness. I remembered feeling something being stabbed into my leg, and that was it.

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