Day One...Again.

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    I awoke with my hands tied behind my back in the front seat of a vehicle. "What the fuck." At that point, my head was throbbing too much to yell. "Nice to see you too, beautiful." Jase. "Why do you have me tied up?" I whispered. "Couldn't risk you trying to escape and hurting yourself."
     "I hate you. This is uncomfortable. I want to be untied now." Jase could sense me gettin livid. "I will when we get there." I have him the death glare and didn't remove my eyes from his face. "Like I could really friggin' escape." I looked down at my feet, and refused to look at him.
     "You can't be mad forever. I'll untie you as soon as we get there. It's not very far now." I looked around. Nothing but trees. Really? Again? Getting kidnapped twice? How many times can a woman get kidnapped in her lifetime? My life seemed more like one of those stupid movies you see on tv. I thought they were so unrealistic. I was so wrong.
     I chuckled to myself in disbelief at how unlucky I had become. "What's so funny?" Jase asked. I shot him a death glare and looked down again. "Jenna, talk to me. Please." I was not taking to him.
Jase put his hand on mine and squeezed it. "It'll be okay. We're safe now." I jerked my hand away. "Fuck. Off." Jase sighed. "You can't get me worked up, beautiful. Nice try though. I have a hell of a lot more patience than Nick."
The rest of the car ride was silence. I guess the idiot had finally given up. Jase slowed down and I looked over to see a Kinda old looking house. "The outside looks bad for a coverup. The inside is breathtaking. I promise." I wanted to fight this man so bad, but I knew right now wasn't a good time.
Nick was out of the picture for now, so that was a plus. Now, I had to figure out how to escape Jase. I thought Nick was hard to escape from, but I feel like Jase is gonna he a lot harder. Jase is smart and quiet. He's sneaky.
I decided to get out of the vehicle and follow Jase inside. "I'll grab our things after we go inside and I show you around." For now, I'll remain as calm as I can. I have to be smarter than him and quit losing my cool.
On the outside, it looked like a rundown cabin. From what I could see, it had two stories. It looked pretty rough if I'm being completely honest. Jase opened the door and my mouth instantly dropped. The living room was absolutely beautiful. The walls were grey. The furniture was blue with neon yellow pillows. There was a 72" flat screen hanging up and a gorgeous chandelier coming down from the ceiling. "What....?" I whispered. I knew you'd be shocked. Wait til you see your room."
He led me up the stairs. The hallway was beautiful and there were many doors, which made me uneasy. What were behind all these doors? As my heart began racing, I was startled by Jase wrapping his arm around me. "Here's your room. I had it painted your favorite. Actually I had this whole house designed just for you."
Somebody else knew where this place was. If they knew I was kidnapped, they might be able to help me. I grabbed his arm before Jase even got to open the door. "Who else knows about this place?"

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