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Dawn's Pov

"Everything alright, my love?" David asked me the moment we clambered back into the car and Oscar began to drive. "You've been acting distant."

"I'm fine," I assured, but in truth, I was a wreck of conflicted emotions.

How could I not be when my stepmother who loathed me so much had indirectly accused me of being barren and useless?

Going into that function, I had mentally prepared myself for her potential bullshitting. I knew it was going to come, I waited for it to come. Yet when it did, it hurt, even more so because she wasn't wrong. David didn't have siblings. He was the only son of his father and as his wife, It was my responsibility to have children but what if he didn't want any?

I didn't want to look theatrical about it but we'd conversed about having children a couple of times and like always, he dismissed the idea and pushed it off the table for reasons he refused to disclose.

He was the most complicated person I knew because one moment he was an open book and the next, he was an island of himself, a labyrinth.

"We'll be home soon, okay." He soothed, placing a hand on my thighs and squeezing softly. "You did good tonight."

I leaned my cheek against his shoulder, weary to the bone. "I did it for you."

He kissed my hair. "I know baby. That's why I love you."

When we arrived home, I walked out of the car, entered the house, and went straight to the bathroom where I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower.

It felt like I had this heavy weight attached to my back that I couldn't let go of. I tried to gather my thoughts but they were in shreds and I couldn't see past the triumphant look on Amanda's face which was not as thrilling as it seemed.

I concluded my shower briefly and walked out of the bathroom, meeting the sight of David launched on the bed with his fingers moving swiftly on his laptop.

He was shirtless, clad in only his black shorts. The fingers stopped moving and he turned, locking my eyes with determined force.

"Dawn, you sure you're okay?" He tilted his has to study me for a moment. "Since we got back, you've been looking totally out of It." His brows creased. He knew there was something wrong, he'd always been attentive to my change in demeanor and sometimes it was hard to get anything past him. Plus I was a really bad liar.

When I did nothing but stare back at him, he raised a conscious brow at me. "Did mother perhaps...say anything to you?"

"Even if she did, it wouldn't matter," I muttered, turning around to fish out my night robe from my wardrobe.

"Dawn, talk to me. What did she say?" His voice was luring.

I slid my hand into my robe and heaved out a sigh as I turned to stare at him. "She wants a grandchild."

He faltered for a moment. He'd been stupefied, just like I'd been. "She said that?"

I nodded. "She did."

A slight frown marred his features. "Well, you don't have to worry too much about it. I'll make sure to talk to her."

I stared at him, hesitating for a moment but then I just went for it. "She isn't technically wrong, David. I too want a baby of my own."

"And you'll have yours." He assured in a phlegmatic tone before turning his attention back to his laptop as if wanting to get away from the conversation as fast as he could.

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