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Dawn's Pov

"Oh my God, Henry!" Amanda bellowed, almost tripping on her gown as she rushed to his side and fell to her feet. "What happened?!" She blurted, yelling at me but I was still in shock. "I said what happened! What did you do to Henry!" She boomed again, her voice deadly and shaking with rage.

"I-i don't know." I tried to speak but my words were a jumbled mess. "We-we were just t-talking and-"

"Don't just stand there, call the paramedics, you imbecile!" She barked again and I offered no disagreement as I got on my feet and ran in search of my phone and the next hour that passed after that was a blur for me.

I had sleepwalked all through the whole process of getting him to the hospital, and now, an hour later, when the doctor had assured me that he was going to be okay, I was preparing myself to go and see him. I was going to apologize as much as I needed to.

Mustering up enough courage, I got up from my seat in the scanty hallway and took the elevator up to his ward but before I could step in, the door opened and a worn-out version of Amanda walked out.

"Mrs. Amanda," I called out, figuring I should probably apologize to her first but she stared right through me, not a trace of emotion on her face.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and proceeded anyway. "I'm sorry for what happened tonight. None of this was my intention. If I had known the orchids were that much of a problem I wouldn't have added them." I stated with all sincerity but the look on her face told me she didn't give two shits about my utterances.

"If you're done spewing your lies, turn around and get out." Her words were cold but not as cold as the stare she was throwing my way.

"I understand if you are mad at me." I started, taking a much calmer approach. "But I just want you to understand that I didn't do this on purpose. I didn't-"

"Dawn." She cut me, a look of disgust forming on her face as she stepped forward, another step, another one, close enough that I was forced to take two steps back. "I don't want you here. You've done more than enough. First, you steal my som and now you're going for my husband. When is this going to then?"

Her words hit me with a wave of displeasure. "I beg your pardon?"

"Don't come here and act innocent Dawn, I know you put those orchids on purpose. Why? Did you try to seduce him too? Did he reject you so you resulted in poisoning him instead?" She stepped closer, getting into my face. "Did you?"

"This is ridiculous." I puffed out a breath and stepped back. "I would never-"

She laughed humorlessly and shook her head. "Why do I even bother with you. It's clear you have no shame and I shouldn't be surprised since you spent most of your life living with the rest of your outlawed nonentities."

I bit down on my tongue and curled my fist by my side. "Mrs. Amanda, I know you are not in a good state of mind right now but I think you are taking this a little too far."

"It is what you are, dear Araceli. You're a gold digger, a beggar, you come from a family of varmints with no identity." She laughed at my face. "No wonder your father ran off, I know I would. Only God knows how many men your mother had to sleep with to conceive you in the first place."

I didn't know why but my eyes blurred with tears and my fists tightened so hard that my fingers dug into my palm. Every word that flowed from her lips angered me and I didn't care if she said it to hurt me on purpose, I'd had enough. "With all due respect, do not disrespect my mother!"

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