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Dawn's Pov

I could hear David pacing around the rook like a crazed maniac. I didn't blame him. It had been approximately five minutes since I surged out of bed and raced into the bathroom without warning and he was apprehensive, no doubt flinching to the sound of my horrifying heaves that got intense by the second.

"Dawn, honey are you okay? let me in." He prodded, pulling on the door handle even if he knew it was locked from inside. "I don't get why you won't let me in, I'm not going to break up with you if I see a little vomit."

There was a hint of annoyance and worry in his voice. As much as I wanted him to be romantic and hold my hair up or gently tap my back, I'd rather he didn't because this was disgusting even for me.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I assured him between bouts of choking out the salad I'd consumed for dinner.

For the past few days since we returned from Louisiana, I'd been constantly upchucking at random intervals and it was beginning to unnerve both David and me. I tried to coax him into believing that it was just my insides filtering the large Cajun meals but deep down, I knew this wasn't just stomach flu.

After a moment, I got up from my kneeling position by the toilet and flushed, watching the mashed-up food drift through the toilet water.

"Dawn?" David called impatiently again. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"No, I'm fine." Really I wasn't, my stomach hurt and my head felt like it was going to explode from this huge headache. I walked to the sink and rested on It, taking a minute to regain my strength and stare at the pale sickly version of myself in the mirror before turning on the faucet and rinsing off bile away from my mouth.

I spat out the last slivers of fluid, cleaned my face, and wobbled out of the bathroom like a cat out of water.

David rushed to my aid and supported me on my feet. He was clad in his suit, already dressed for work. "Are you okay?" His eyes were skimming every part of me as he guided me towards the bed and gingerly sat me on it. "Your skin is losing color, I'll call the family doctor and have him run some tests on you."

I shook my head softly and moaned in dismay at the turmoil happening in my stomach. "No, don't. I'm fine."

"But you don't look fine." He placed the back of his hand on my head. "I've never seen you this way before and honestly, I'm scared."

I tried my best to force a smile. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was anxious. "I'm fine David. I just need some rest and good food." I reassured but he didn't look convinced. "If it makes you feel any better, Paula will be here soon," I added. "I called her."

He groaned. "Why don't I just stay home instead?"

"No, staying here would only make us both fall sick."

He shrugged. "I don't mind."

"I mind and I think it's going to be weird with you and Paula both trying to babysit me at the same time."

He looked like he'd imagined the scenario in his head and the twist his face took told me he didn't like it. "Alright, fine, I'll trust Paula to take care of you."

I smiled and glanced over at the clock. "You'll be late for work, you should go."

He looked skeptical about getting up from my side.

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