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Dawn's Pov

My blood pounded in my ears and it felt as though I could feel my heart beat in my throat. "David...I can... I can explain," I stammered, feeling my stomach churn as he stared at me with fury burning in the dept of his eyes.

"So this is what you do?" His words were fire and his scalding tone pierced through my heart, making me tremble.

"You don't understand," I willed my hand to stop shaking as I reached out to hold him. "I'll explain everything."

He inched away from me, his eyes suddenly leaving mine and lowering to my hands, and then his face contorted with rage as he noticed my wedding band was missing.

Oh lord, I had left it back at Becky's place.

"David." My heart was pounding so hard and right now I wanted to run away and bury myself. "Please let's go, I'll explain everything." I pleaded, aware that an audience had gathered around us.

"The car is outside." He spoke through bared teeth and I was about to hurriedly walk away when Jacob grabbed my hand and drew me to his side.

"What's going on here?" He questioned, holding my wrist tighter as his eyes ping-ponged between us. "Dawn, do you know this guy?"

God, no.

"Jacob let me go." I implored, trying to peel his hand away from mine but he was too busy squaring shoulders with my husband to care.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you are but you have no right to waltz in here and take her like you own the place."

Much to my surprise, David ignored him and turned to me. His eyes were dark, his hostile glare burning into the second layer of my skin, and if looks could kill I'd have a bullet wound on my chest. "Let's go." He reached for me but Jacob stepped partially in front of me and got in his face. "Dude. I'm only going to warn you once. Keep your hands to yourself."

David ignored him once more and tried to reach for me but he got shoved backward. "What part of stay the fuck away don't you get?!"

He paused for a moment, his eyes hardening and narrowing into slits and I watched as his hand slowly began to curl into a fist, so tightly that his knuckles turned pale.

My insides at this point, felt like it was going to shit itself. "Jacob, he's my husband, stop this now," I demanded, knowing without a shred of doubt that if I let things play out, one of them was going to get hurt and it wasn't going to be David.

Jacob shook his head, still unwilling and defiant. "Husband or not he needs to know his place."

David all of a sudden chuckled. "Do you really want to do this with me?"

Jacob rolled his shoulders back and finally let go of me as he stepped forward but before he could as much as speak, David grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and bunched it up.

"What the-" he struggled to break off. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Jacob yelled, still struggling. "You better let me go before i-" The loud cracking noise that accompanied the fatal blow to his face made my stomach drop.

I gasped, my hand falling over my mouth to swallow up the scream that threatened to tear out.

Oh my God.

"You talk too much." David taunted, gifting him another punch to his unprotected nose that sent his head whipping backward and his body following.

"David..." I whispered, unsure of what to make of this. He didn't listen to me tho, he just stood there, unaffected by the rising mutterings around him.

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