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Dawn's Pov

"Do you think it's weird?" I asked out loud whilst staring into Paula's little fish tank as I awaited the test results in her office.

"What's weird?" She asked me and I turned to meet her still too engrossed in her fashion magazine to look up.

I poked my tongue into my cheek. I didn't know what to make of it, I didn't even know if I was the one overreacting but I just needed to talk to someone about it because coupled with my off-the-charts hormones and the fact that anticipating this result had made me anxious, I didn't know what was real or what was just my mind playing cruel tricks on me.

"It's David..." I started, recalling exactly what had happened last night and how he seemed to be struggling with something in his sleep. "Last night, he was sleep talking in a way."

She shrugged, still not looking up. "It's normal."

"I know but..." I paused again and bit my lip. "He kept muttering the same name over and over again...a woman's name and it gives me this uneasy feeling."

Her head finally snapped up and her brow lifted in an incredulous manner. "A woman?"

When I nodded, she scoffed. "I knew his retired fuckboy behavior was too good to be true." She sighed dramatically and shook her head. "You simply can not trust men these days. One moment they say they love you, the next they're feeding their piss stick to another hungry chihuahua."

"I trust David." I defended firmly. "It's just..." I'd spent the whole night trying to understand why he behaved that way. I stubbornly wanted to believe he had a perfectly good explanation for it. I didn't want to give room for doubt. "He wouldn't cheat on me." Surely he wouldn't.

"See that's your problem, you're too trusting." She admonished with a scowl. "This is a clear sign that he's having an affair."

Her words made me cold. I shook it off as quickly as the feeling came. "What if you're wrong and this might just be something personal?"

"Dawn Araceli, your husband uttering another woman's name subconsciously during his sleep is nothing to be classified as personal." She informed. "It's either he's cheating on you or he's hiding something very huge from you. Either way, he's lying."

"He's not a liar." I shook my head again. "Maybe I'm just hearing things. This whole test thing has got me worked up to the point of envisioning what's not there.

She looked at me like she was about to smack me in the face. It was almost laughable and I would've laughed had a knock not sounded.

"I'll see who it is," I told her, eager to get away from the grilling conversation. I should never have brought it up.

I walked to the door and opened it to reveal a nurse in blue scrubs who stood with a brown file case in her hand.

"You must be Mrs. Argent." She smiled warmly at me. "The tech wanted you to have this."

My heart threatened to break out of my rib cage. "Me?"

"Yes, it's your test results." She transferred the brown file to my hand and waved a greeting at Paula before walking away.


My hand shook a bit.

I shut the door and swallowed hard as I walked back to Paula's desk and slapped the file on top of it. "Here, read it and tell me what it says."

She picked it up and pulled out a white paper. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

My stomach twisted and the sudden urge to throw up enveloped me. "I'm ready, tell me what it says."

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