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David's Pov

"I've missed you so much, David." Mother cooed, squeezing me into her arms the minute I arrived at the airport.

I laughed despite how burdened I felt inside and relaxed in her warmth. "It's only been a few weeks, mother."

"I don't care, you're not allowed to leave me for that long again." She let go. "And you need to make a habit of calling home because most times I'm worried sick."

"I'm sorry." I smiled. "I'll call more frequently."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, mother," I assured. "Come on." I opened the door and allowed her to step in.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asked me the moment I got into the driver's seat.

"The hospital," I answered, buckling my seat belt.


I started up the engine and turned to look at her.

"David." Her French brows knitted together in worry when I didn't answer. "I had to cancel all my appointments and take a week off work because you said it was important. The least you can do is try to explain the reason why we are going to a hospital."

Alright fuck. As I pulled out of the parking lot and into the main road, I decided to speak. "Something happened."

"What happened? Is Dawn okay?"

I nodded. "This isn't about her."

"Then what is it about?"

"Just hang in there and you'll see for yourself."

"David Earl Argent what did you do?" She questioned, persistent.

"Just trust me on this, you'll see it soon."

"How can I when you're—"

"Please, mother." I cautioned. "Trust me."

She released a breath and scowled at me. "Fine. I'll wait."

She didn't say much after that and it wasn't until we arrived at the hospital that she spoke again, this time with more pressure.

"I hate places like this David. Tell me why we're here now."

The elevator door opened. I ushered her in. "We're almost there."

"You didn't run someone over did you?"

I shook my head. "I didn't mother." I took in a breath. "I think it might be worse."

"My God, you will drive me crazy at this rate. Tell me what in gods name you did right now or I'm calling your dad."

"Fine." I raked my hair and spoke without thinking. "Stacey never got rid of the baby, she left and had it and now I am a father to a son who is sick and on the verge of dying."

Her eyes widened and I watched her face slowly go pale. "I don't understand..."

"Stacey had the child," I repeated.

"Oh my God...David."

The elevator chimed. I walked out and away from the shock in her eyes. I couldn't handle it. "His room isn't far down."

"Wait." She caught my arm and stopped me from walking.

There was silence for the next passing minute. She gulped. "Stacey...did she make it?"

I shook my head.

Trying to answer or explain this to her brought back all the pain and bitterness I'd finally been able to push off.

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