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Outside the dome Anna tended the garden of plants that were deemed suitable for consumption by humans. A mixture of plants humans found edible on this planet and Earth plants that performed well in this environment. The garden finally looked to be pulling its weight. Legumes seemed to fair the best. Some fruit trees like apples and pears were showing promise. Wheat and Corn were tough and looked like they were going to adapt. Good. The humans can have bread, tortillas and whiskey. All a body needs. Not many plants could adapt to the different wavelengths of light the orange dwarf star offered. Maybe one day, the immigrants from Earth could come to an arrangement with their new orange friend.

Anna felt strange not wearing an environmental suit anymore. The sun warm on her skin; a feeling she had been missing for years. Anna realized how much she really needed it. How good it felt. This really was a nice day! Besides the scooters, there were small lizards and a few bird-like flying things. Just one of the things that made Searth so alien. The density of biological life here sparse compared to Earth. This made the planet seem more like a ghost town. The humans were new to this place. Perhaps there could be more to Searth than she appeared.

Anna noticed movement in her peripheral vision and saw the scooters suddenly run for no reason. What could have spooked them? Then she knew. A small vibration under her feet that increased in strength. The growling like thunder but wasn't thunder. MY GOD, IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! The epiphany shook her as much as the quake. Anna knew about earthquakes but had never experienced one.

She turned back to the dome. The ground shook even more now. Thrown to the ground, Anna involuntarily screamed. "ALICE!"

"Stay where you are. You are in the safest place. Do not approach the dome. I am enacting emergency procedures."

Anna froze momentarily by indecision. This early in the morning, almost everyone would be at the dome. Yet, the dome was the most dangerous place to be right now! She needed to get there and help evacuate them! She cursed herself for not bringing her communicator with her. Then, as she watched in disbelief, the dome split in two with a mighty CRACK! Debris and materials were raining down on the people inside. Panic and fear shot through her like lightning jolting her heart. Anna could clearly hear the screaming coming from the dome now. Some people were emerging. Some of them injured. She got up and ran toward them. As she approached the group of injured people, she shot up from the bed drenched in sweat; a small feat in twice the gravity. Her heart raced like she had run a marathon.

"Not another one!" Anna Hauser cursed softly to the air.

Alice whispered in her ear, "Do you need assistance, Anna?"

"No, I'm alright Alice, thanks."

"Your vitals were spiking one point two minutes ago. Did you have another nightmare?"

"Yes." She said still a little shaken.

"The same as the vision you had during the incident eight days ago?"

Anna rolled her eyes, "Yes. And if you're going to ask me about the details, I'd rather not."

"It is necessary to collect data for analysis."

"How can dreams be data?"

"Human dreams are based on actual experiences which are sometimes morphed to elicit an emotional response. Therefore, some dreams are more factual than other dreams. This is one of two dreams you have been having recently. The other involves the incident itself; the inadvertent meeting of the three trilobites. Sonny and I are in the process of stitching together your dreams and facts to get a sense of the meaning of the vision you had. Now, would you please help us? You know I never get tired of asking."

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