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Admiral Johnson had a headache again. He thought about this one and all the others preceding this one. Leo knew there wasn't anything organically wrong with him since the bots did an excellent job of keeping him healthy. It was a tension headache. The kind that usually had somebody's name on it. This time, Captain Schmidt won the prize. It had been over four years since the Atlantis and Wanderer left. Captain Metcalfe warned him about his tendencies. He may not have been planning this from the start, but he sure had been pushing himself around now! Slowly, there had been complaints about the Te'Hat being underfoot. There had also been more talk about ignoring the Te'Hat culture here and start developing this planet wholesale. He knew Schmidt was behind the murmuring. He got ready to head to the council meeting.

Captain Schmidt caught Leo as he left his office. "Admiral, may I have a moment of your time?" Schmidt! Just the thing for my headache. Leo thought sarcastically.

"I'm heading to the meeting. You can walk with me." They started off down the walkways to their destination.

"I appreciate it, thank you. I just wanted to make sure we are on the same side on some of the issues I know will be brought up again at the meeting."

The Admiral's head was throbbing again. "There is no side. There is the mission of humanity which has been placed before us. There is not a lot of latitude there."

"I know. You have stated this position in various ways for the last few years. Surely you have to know the Valiant did not sign up with the Consortium and their plans."

"You have stated that position in various ways for the last few years. You also agreed by coming with us that you take Captain Metcalfe's judgment and the judgment of the Council in deciding when and where we make our permanent home."

"I understand what had been agreed upon when we began traveling with the Atlantis. But we may never find another planet which is livable. We can make a go of it here."

"What about the Te'Hat?" The Admiral was tired of the circular arguments.

"The Te'Hat live underground. So, they can live anywhere. We have to stick to the more temperate zones."

"And if the Te'Hat doesn't want to move?"

"Oh, I am sure we could convince them to move. We would make it worth their while."

"Trinkets to the natives? Where have I heard this one before?"

"Well, maybe not trinkets, but we can build them anything."

"What if the natives don't want what you're offering?"

"Look, we can play the 'what if' game all day long. There is a growing concern over this. We need to do something!"

"Now, who would spread such a concern? The captains are supposed to be enforcers of council decisions. Are you having trouble with your people? Perhaps I can help." Leo knew Schmidt had been the one spreading the concern and he found it harder to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Fortunately, they had arrived at their destination.

"We will talk about this again, Admiral," Captain Schmidt said with a little too much respect rubbed off.

They walked in and took their seats. Captain Schmidt noticed Melon in attendance. "I didn't know this Te'Hat was now on the council."

Chairman Rocha spoke from across the table, "Representative Melon is not on the council. He is here as an observer to our meetings. Now, if we are done taking roll call, we will begin the meeting."

Admiral Johnson smiled to himself for dropping the suggestion to Melon and the Chairman knowing Schmidt had been building up to something. He wanted it to be harder on him with Melon present to hear what he says.

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