Out of the Frying Pan

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Admiral Johnson stood up from his desk to stretch after having sat too long going over reports and signing documents. He missed his office on the Atlantis. This was a big office compared to others on the Intrepid, but he still missed his old office. In times like these he wished he could be enhanced like the captain. He would have been done with all this mess in two minutes. Thank God, he did not have to run the ship too. Captain Williams had been the steady rock he needed and depended on. They had been battle buddies since the rebellion. Humanity's numbers had dropped over four hundred souls in that little civil war. It used to make him almost physically ill to think about it. He had seen plenty of men die before, but now the stakes were just too high. Human life was just too precious to waste on a disagreement. Over four years had passed since then, and the pain had become a little better. There had been casualties on the Te'Hat side. They mostly made a point to keep out of the way. Te'Hat observers would sometimes get a little too close to the action which caused Te'Hat tunnels to cave in, or get caught in the crossfire.

After Captain Schmidt died while trying to take out Alice, the second in command over at the Valiant, Commander Sokolov, had been just as fanatical as their captain about claiming this rock for their own. He claimed Captain Schmidt was assassinated even though the truth had been communicated to his ship. The Admiral's suspicion, later proved correct, that Sokolov told the crew what they wanted to hear to incite them and bring on this conflict. The truth came to those people too late. Alice and Captain Williams ran the ground conflict while Alice and Johnson made sure space remained safe. Neither ship had much in the way of weapons. However, Intrepid's Navy was armed to the teeth. They were military people after all. Valiant was a civilian ship. They never stood a chance. The only reason the conflict went on as long as it did, had been to save lives on both human sides and Te'Hat. They had lost many diplomats to broker peace.

And now he heard the Te'Hat had decided if the humans could stay or keep our promise to leave if they wished it. It had been a few days ago when the Mat'Ma said a meeting of the Elders took place. He started to get nervous like waiting for a verdict in a court-martial. He sat back down at his desk. These reports are not going to sign themselves he thought as he took up his stylus to sign on the digital line next to his thumbprint.

"Admiral?" His assistant called over his comm panel on his desk.

"Yes, what is it?"

"A shuttle is headed to the Intrepid with the Mat'Ma and Fred aboard sir."

"Very well. Please have the delegates escorted to my office. See if you can get the chef to obtain some of those gooey things they like to eat and have them brought to my office."

"Yes, sir," the assistant acknowledged.

Damn, he thought. Speak of the devil. Well, the verdict is in. He had hoped they would wait until Captain Metcalfe returned, but too much uncomfortable time had gone by. Johnson didn't think they would wait another five years.

An hour later, the Admiral's assistant called again. "Sir, the Te'Hat delegation is here."

Leo suddenly felt very tired. "Send them in Corporal," He had met the Mat'Ma only a few times but had spoken with Fred, as the humans called him, many times. They scuttled in taking up a fair amount of space since they did not sit in chairs. He came around his desk to address them. "Good day friends. The Mat'Ma is with you today Fred, so the news must be important. What can I help you with today?"

"Good day to you also Admiral. The Mat'Ma and I have come to deliver our decision on your staying or leaving our world."

This is it then, he thought. "I wish things could have been different. We will respect whatever your decision is on this matter."

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