The Carrot

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Six months had seen many things play out. Most importantly the atmosphere finally checked out clean. Corporal Harris, no worse for the wear, had been released. He never did contract any detectable effects of the exposure. In fact, he was the principal reason the air received the green light, since medical had a guinea pig for most of this time. The ships that were staying had been repaired and received extra shielding against the stronger magnetic fields of Searth. The ships that were leaving (Atlantis and the Wanderer) didn't get the additional shielding but were repaired and topped off with fuel for the return trip. The mining bases on both moons were self-sufficient and doing well obtaining raw materials for their needs. Levi groomed a group of military diplomats to have authority over the colonists and work with the Te'Hat.

The Te'Hat had been working out well. There were additional interactions with the Mat'Ma and Melon. It had been decided small groups led by an Elder could voluntarily approach a human for interaction. Only the Elders were telepathic and communicate with the humans. Sonny had decoded the Te'Hat language, but Sonny and Alice were the only ones that could speak it. The Te'Hat had a feeling of loyalty and duty which our people shared and could relate. Other customs and parts of their culture were a complete mystery. They were a close-knit culture for which clan was very descriptive. When you live underground, you are by necessity an interdependent group. Levi often thought about how it might be if everyone became enhanced. One wouldn't be telepathic in the strict sense, but the communication of one's thoughts to another without speech is close enough, even though it would be mechanically aided. He noted the Te'Hat had many hive-like properties. And although they still retained speech, it was not the principal mode of communication. He saw how they cooperated and helped one another. They were not a technological species, but the way they worked together on a goal was impressive. If humans had the equivalent communal oneness, no telling what could be accomplished.

In the last meeting with the Consortium, a timetable had been set for Atlantis to return to our home star. In less than a month, Atlantis and the Wanderer will leave this system, while the colonists continue to study the planet and the Te'Hat. The scientists had studied the Te'Hat biology enough they felt confident their kind would be alright on our air in the domes. However, they continued to ride around in the containers. Our timetable had been conveyed to the Te'Hat through the representatives of the Sce'Rood clan. They understood about going back to save clan members, and they wished us well.

Since the countdown commenced, everyone went into high gear to prepare for launch. Admiral Johnson and the Consortium would stay behind to help manage and provide support for the colonists. But mostly, to ensure no funny business occurred while the captain was away. Captain Metcalfe's mission was a simple rescue operation to tie up any loose ends. They couldn't in good conscience leave their people for dead. Fortunately, Searth turned out to be suitable so they could split their missions this way.

Levi and the other captains were having a meeting in Captain Metcalfe's apartment aboard the Atlantis. This was the third session in as many weeks to ensure that objectives were shared and supported. Levi also took the opportunity to bring up an old question.

"My friends," Levi began. "Seven months ago, I put a question to the three of you. You were unsure of an answer then, and I let it percolate for a time. I feel I must ask again while there is time before I leave."

"You're talking about this E-human business," Captain Gunter Schmidt from the Valiant said flatly.

"Yes, I am, Gunter," Levi replied. "I know I gave you several reasons you should become enhanced, but I will give you one more. The Te'Hat. They are telepathic, and by becoming enhanced, you will have a better understanding of their culture."

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