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Three years! It had seemed like a million Levi thought. The Atlantis once again neared Searth. The captain was quite on edge since they received the encrypted, high powered transmissions from the Admiral. First, news of their own rebellion. Then the news it had been successfully put down. Levi had a bad feeling about Captain Schmidt. And lastly, news of the asteroid impact which related to the vision Anna Hauser received from the Te'Hat before they had to leave. The Admiral indeed had his hands full since Levi left the admiral in charge. Things were working out though. Nevertheless, he felt the need to get there ASAP so he could contribute his resources as well as give the Admiral some relief.

Levi invited Sonny to his virtual apartment. Less than a moment later Sonny came in and sat down on the couch. "Sonny, we are on the outer edge of the system. I think we should let them know we are here and making best speed to aid and assist their situation."

"Certainly, Captain. I have sent a probe with your message and intentions. It will take approximately two point two months for a reply to reach us."

"I just want them to know we are here and alive. I'm sure the colonists wondered if we were ever coming back. To be stranded forever on a planet which may or may not work out in the long run. It is always good to have choices."

Sonny observed, "Choices come in good and bad flavors, Captain."

Levi was struck by the machine's choice of words. "What do you know about flavors, Sonny?"

"I am merely using references which make humans feel at ease. I could instead give you statistical data which reflects my previous statement if you prefer."

"No, Sonny. That won't be necessary. The human reference mode is quite acceptable. What is our status with the prisoners?"

"The one hundred twenty-three thousand, and seventy-four prisoners put into the sleepers are still showing optimal readings. The three hundred, and eighty-three upper-level instigators, including Stiles and Kochetkova, have been diligent workers on the reclamation and rebuilding project. I have been giving individualized therapy for each of these people."

"Any luck?" Levi asked.

"Many of them suffer from post-traumatic shock syndrome. Also, nearly all the prisoners at least initially believed Stiles to succeed in his rebellion and were promised rewards after the takeover. The fact that we did not execute them, but instead are helping them, has made them receptive to therapy."

"What about Stiles and Kochetkova? Are they accepting therapy?"

"Kochetkova is responding more so than the others. He was angry Stiles steered him wrongly which got him escorted to the airlock. Mr. Stiles is the toughest case. He has on multiple occasions attempted to deceive Alice into believing he has been rehabilitated. Mr. Stiles is beginning to understand Alice cannot be deceived in this way."

Levi shook his head, "Yes, I know. I have been down to see him on several occasions. I am having doubts about salvaging him. I don't know if I could ever trust him."

Just then, a knock on his virtual door of his inner apartment. His door started to glow red, and a familiar heart-shaped fractal pattern emerged on its surface. "Come in Alex," Levi said. The door opened, and Alex waltzed in with a very form fitting jumpsuit

"Am I interrupting anything important?" She said with a naughty smile.

"No," Sonny said. "We can talk about this another time. It is good to see you again Alex," Sonny smiled as he let himself out.

Levi shook his finger at Alex as if to compel her to speak the truth. "What are you up to now?"

"Just stopped by to say hello. I'm working on that new project I told you about. I noticed the repairs almost done. What is going to happen to them now?"

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