The Emissary

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Not far from dome number two, a crevice in a large outcropping of rocks led to the main entrance to the Sce'Rood clan of the Te'Hat. Deep in the tunnels, made so many suns ago, nobody but the oldest of the Elders could recall their making. There were many entrances. For the Sce'Rood was numerous and spread out. Melon made his way to the Elder's chamber. This day was the most significant Elder meeting ever! He wondered if it used to be like this in the beginning times where things were always new and changing. Great danger and opportunity lie around every corner!

News had spread about the great two-legs meeting with Melon. When they contacted other clans over the last few suns, they had found the humans had been spotted everywhere! It excited and worried him at the same time. Which was the right path? So many paths lay before them. All of them life-changing! The Elders would collectively find a way. The Sce'Rood was telepathic, but they had not left speech altogether. They used it in ceremonies and for private moments. The Elder meetings were spoken for both reasons. Melon approached the Elder's council chamber when he met Karleen waiting for him outside the chamber. He was very fond of Karleen. He had mated with her most seasons. For the Te'Hat, it was common for a pair to settle in with consistent mating. She seemed agitated as noted by the twitching of her dominant third leg.

"Melon, my always, are you alright? Are you up to the challenge?"

"Chance brings us to change, but we will determine our own path."

She seemed to be settled by this positive statement. "I only meant that after calling out to the Two-legs, it would have been quite unsettling!"

"A little unsettling for the situation, but not for the calling out. The mind I exchanged with is as logical and intelligent as the Te'Hat. They possess vast power over things, and so we must proceed carefully. That is one of many things the Elders need to discuss."

Karleen had misgivings. "Oh, Melon, my always, I have a wrong feeling about the future of all of this!"

"If I didn't know any better, my always, I would think that you were acquiring the Gift."

Karleen was taken aback. "You know only the males can be given the Gift."

"I sometimes wonder, my always. I must go now and make my mark for our clan."

She understood what was at stake. Karleen encouraged her long-time mate. "Make it count, my always. See you soon."

"See you soon Karleen."

Melon reached out and affectionately touched her dominant third leg as Karleen touched his. He then turned to enter the Elders chambers to see what fate had in store for him. The ceremonial guards opened the doors for him as he approached. The guards were unnecessary since there has not been any conflict among his kind since before his clan came to these parts long ago. They reminded the Te'Hat the importance of this place and to keep the curious out.

Unlike the dusty passageways outside, the Elder's council stone chambers were highly polished with the toil of many Te'Hat. Even the ceiling was polished. Melon, and the rest of the Elders also took part in this duty. It reminded them they were not too important to take part in the day-to-day living of the Te'Hat.

Many of the Elders were already here. There were seven fourteens of the Elder class plus the Mat'Ma, the wisest one. Among other duties, he served to break a tie in the counting of marks when they made decisions. This only happened four times in the history of the clan. He had a special gift of uniting the Elders and helped point the way of his clan. It must be time, he thought, since the Mat'Ma moved to the Speaker's Place. The polished rock, the highest vantage in the chamber, allowed the speaker to see and be seen.

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