Love and the Machine

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Captain Metcalfe sat back after finishing his dinner, which consisted of orange juice and yogurt. His guest, Commander Alexandria Sullivan leaned forward, "this is a fine dinner in the captain's quarters. I hope you are not expecting something in return." The couple had been seeing each other when they could.

Levi pretended to be coy. "Why I don't know what you mean, commander," "I think it would be improper for officers to fraternize. I may need to report you to the captain."

"Go ahead," she said indignantly. "He already knows. I think he's turning a blind eye to our little affair."

"What do you say we throw caution to the wind and take a walk in the park together? We can walk off some of this dinner."

"You're kidding me, right? Yogurt and some orange juice? You don't have to walk off anything!"

Levi surrendered. "You've got me there. What say we walk in the park and not think about who is working off what and enjoy the quiet evening."

Alex smiled. "I would love to Levi," It was her turn to surrender. They caught an auto and went to the closest park not far from the captain's apartment. It was evening, and the enormous element which ran the length of each mile section had been turned down. It no longer glowed to provide light but still provided heat. A twilight dimness served as night time on the ship. Lights from buildings and scattered lighting throughout the ship gave a resemblance to stars in the sky. They sat on a bench quietly watching people walking by and mulling their thoughts.

"Levi, do you really think anybody survived on Earth?"

"I don't know," Levi truthfully offered. "I do know the rest of us cannot put this behind us until we can determine their fate with some certainty. Sonny probably has the best guess, and even he is admitting to the lack of data. There is some amount of yanking from the neutron star. How much, will depend on its final approach to our solar system."

Alex became somber. "Well, we will know soon enough," "We are only one month out of the system."

They sat there on the bench for a few minutes quietly with their thoughts. Levi decided it was time to be bold. "Alex, you know I care for you an awful lot. And I know you care about me. How much I do not know. We will be pulling into the Sol system soon. There won't be time for either of us then. I just don't want you to forget about us."

Alex wore the Cheshire cat's grin. "You know, in the tens of thousands of years, and all this technology and progress, men are still the stumbly-bumbly creatures when it comes to their emotions. I will make a rare exception and be easy on you. I love you. And not the groupie kind of love because you're the captain. If you were cleaning pipes in the recycling center, I would still love you. I have always sought out people who were at least my equal in mind and spirit. You surpass me but not in a condescending way. You always treat people with a fair but firm hand. Another quality I admire. You're a good person from head to toe."

"Wow! So, the answer is no, then, you won't forget about us," Levi grinned with his eyebrow set high in surprise. "You might not think so if you were an E-human."

"Why, because I could get access to all of your memories?"

"Only what I would allow. But that ship sails both ways you know. It would be a level of sharing no human has ever experienced. That doesn't mean it is a good thing."

"I get it. Be careful what you wish for and all that jazz. But you must admit, it is a very interesting topic!"

"Yes, it is. However," Levi gazed at Alex with her face in his hands, "I would not want to ruin what we have now. I like where we are going. I love you. I want to be with you. Our mission is about to get puckery, and I must focus on my responsibilities."

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