After tonight

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There's something in your eyes
Is everything al right?
You look up to the sky
You long for something more, Darlin'
Give me your right hand
I think I understand, follow me
And you will never have to wish again

Sean saw it, he saw the hopeful look in her eyes, see the longing and hopefully gaze of wonder, whenever she past by a couple, he sees it all but she doesn't know it.

"There's something in your eyes Kaycee!" Sean told her gently, gently saying the words to not scare the petit girl who was looking up at the sky, as both sat on the rooftop of her house, drinking the cherry wine that she stole from her parents wine cabinet.

Cherry Red tinted her lips from the alcohol, Sean was behind her hugging her into his chest to keep her warm from the wind blowing through their embrace.

"What you mean?" She asked him as her head tilted back to look up at him
"Is everything alright? As you look up to the sky' there's this expression you're showing right now angel. 'You long for something more darling" Sean said to her softly against her ear, making her shiver that's not from the cold but from the delight that taken over her body.

She didn't replied to his complimentary nicknames, deep down she loved it, because he doesn't say that to his other girl friends That often. Eyes looked at the clear sky and see the stars twinkling behind them harsh lighting from the fluorescent that beam up to the outer space from the earth below. She watched Sean lift up the cherry beverage of the alcohol, his full lips tinted slightly darker from the cherry blaze that relaxed both of their bodies and minds into daze.

It was only 9:30 when she decided to take one bottle of the expensive wine to the rooftop, to take away her anxiety from the busy day she had that shook her core from exhaustion after the go go go day, since 8 am this morning.

30 minutes earlier:

Sean found her up there when he got a text from her to sit with her, since her parents aren't home and both siblings gone to do their adulteries, climbing up to where they are now.

Sean knew of her anxiety attacks especially when everything became too much for a 16 year old girl to handle on her own sometimes. Seeing the tear tracks on her rosy cheeks when he got up there. A bottle of wine in her left hand not opened, probably waiting for him, he smile sadly at her as he took place beside her. She gave the bottle to him, so he could opened it that he did than letting her take a sip of it, he watched mesmerized with her beauty and the cherry lips that stained it from the wine, seeing the way she taste it with ease not distaste like some would think.

Both teens don't drink, they never done anything like drinking, smoking or any bad habits that teens do every other day. But they do indulge into some type of alcohol like rich taste of fine wine and champagne, kaycee the sweet innocent charismatic girl that Sean weaved himself inside her very soul, never letting negative things affect her, and when it does effect her emotionally than Sean would be there to lift up her spirits. The sweet girl sometimes indulged in the stupidity of youth, and would drink just a small bit of alcohol because she wanted it not because she has to drink it.

30 minutes later: 'Give me your right hand kayc and let's go somewhere" Sean told her enthusiastically as he slowly and carefully got up from his sitting position behind her, extending his hand out to her, she look dazed and confused but nonetheless grab his hand firmly so she also won't fall.

"Where we going?" She giggle delightfully as they got inside the house than running down the stairs to the front door, opening it than locking it after closing it behind them. Putting in her security code than letting Sean lead her to his car, opening the passenger door for her guiding her inside than closing the door, running to his side of the vehicle, getting in then turning on the engine, closing his door than driving off somewhere inside the Simi Valley going outskirts of her city, going across cities to walnut to a field of flowers.

Songfic oneshots - Sean & KayceeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα