▪ Chapter 1 ▪

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How we got there

Rui sat on a bench in the park near the church, alone with her thoughts. She stared at her small feet blankly and swayed them in the air, her foot were almost 10 inches away from the ground.

'I've been here for almost five days..' she stops her movements and just looked up at sky. 'I really did got reincarnated to a new world.. how odd..' her expression didn't show much, just a bored and lost look.

She heard her name being called and looked down to see who the person was. Slight groan left her mouth just by seeing those faces. "What do you want?" Rui said stoically.
"Rui-chan, let's go play!!" The one who said that was the neighbor's boy and the one called her was the girl from the church.

"I'll pass" Rui was quick to reject their offer. These kids were about the same age as Rui's age in this world, meaning they were around 10 years old. Rui sighs 'I don't have anything against them but I just find them too loud and childish... tch they are children..'. Those two have been following her for as long as she can remember after her arrival at the church.

"Whyy?!?! Come on, let's play!!" The boy protests at Rui's response. " Yeah, let's play! It'll be fun~heh" the girl followed up after her friend. Their eyes seem to glimmer with hope and excitement. 'Sigh.. it seems like they'll be not going to give up anytime soon..' Rui lazily stood up and said "I guess I could stick around for a while..".

"Ya-ttaaa!! I told you she would agree" says the boy, smugly grinning at the girl. "Hey!! I said that first!!" The girl says in an angry tone, almost as if she lost her trophy to a random thief. "Lying is wrong, you know. The Lord said it is a sin to lie!" The girl chirped at the boy. The boy protests and the girl also protests, sigh.

'I've been dealing with this the past 4 days, how very fun' Rui thinks sarcastically to herself and just ignores the little argument.

"Rui-chan, come eat your lunch~!" More soothing and sweet toned call made it's way to Rui's ears. "Coming!" She responded immediately and stood up and escapes the neighborhood kids in relief. As for the kids, they were disappointed for sure but still continued their arguments, like an cute old couple pfft.

Yui was standing next to the door, watching Rui as she comes closer. "Let's go in" Yui said and gave Rui a light pat on her head. In response Rui just nodded.

They were now sitting before a table with delicious looking food on display. 'One of the things I've learnt in the past few days is that, Yui is a good cook' Rui chomped on a piece the food delightfully.

"How is it?" The blond asks.
"It's good" the response she got was short and simple but nonetheless it made Yui smile in happiness because it was one of the few compliments she received from Rui.
"Arigato, Rui~chan" Yui beamed at the girl.

'Hmm... She's not that bad to be around with..' was what Rui thought while eating.

Time skip, 3 months later:

Rui has been in church quiet a while now. She adapted into this world quiet fast and she doesn't really regret dying in the other world much but she still thought she should've said her farewell better to her friend, Rin.
Rui thought back what her friend said to her the last time 'Go home safely.... sigh, I bet she's crying her eyes out right now... sorry Rin'.
Also she missed reading her books 'I bet, next series of Icha Icha paradise is out... sigh' she thought, while looking through the window.

The front door creaks open revealing a middle aged man with a warm smile.
"Yui! Rui! I'm home!"
That person was Seiji Komori, their adoptive father. Rui never really got close with him, she saw him occasionally here and there sometimes, and as for Yui, it could be said that they got a little close. Little close meaning just close enough for Rui to care.

Yui came down and smiled at the man and said "Okairi Otou-san" before giving him a warm hug. The man hugs her back generously and lets go. "Thank you dear. -Ah yes.. I have a news for you two!" He said as he makes his way to the dining table and sits down.

"What is it?" Yui curiously asked, coming near the table. " It seems like I'll be gone for a while and I also need you two to go somewhere for me" the man answered. "I'll be going tomorrow and you two will be departing the day after."

"Oh.. but where are we going?" "I'll give you the address, you could say it's the house of an old acquaintance of mine. You two will stay there for a while" He smiled at her and stood up and placed his palm on her shoulder and gave her a pat. "I know you have more questions but I'm a little tired and I also have to pack up and leave early tomorrow. So I'd better go rest now" Seiji gave her daughter an apologetic smile and went into to his room.

Yui seemed puzzled but continued on with the day and went to pack her and her sister's things. 'About time, this happens' Rui thought, she wasn't really that surprised. "I expected this sooner or later" Rui muttered and went to her room.

Time skip, day after tomorrow:

'So Seiji didn't bid farewell with us, he just left early yesterday before we could wake up, it's a little unusual of him but I guess I understand him a little. I mean he's sending the children he raised to a vampires den without even warning them, I guess he felt guilty for it. I think Yui was a little disappointed that he did that, well it's just my personal thought.' Rui says in her mind while humming a song in her mouth in the car.

Rui glanced up at Yui and saw her going through her messages until her pink orbs met Rui's blue ones. "Is something wrong?" Yui asked with soft tone. "Hmm... It's nothing" the little girl tilted her head and laid it on the car door, looking through the window. 'She looks lost.' Is what she thought of the blond female.

After a long silent drive, the car stops in front of a mansion or more like a castle. Yui and Rui steps out of the car and takes their suitcases out and bid farewell to the driver with a wave. Their gazes shifted back from the car to the mansion. Suddenly water droplets started to fall from the sky, one by one and gradually increasing.

"Ah, its raining!" Yui ran to the entrance of the mansion and looked back and followed her words back with "Come on Rui! You're going to get wet!"

Rui stares at the running figure and starts going towards the entrance as well. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath followed by a sigh.

'This is troublesome'

She opened her eyes and muttered

"Here goes nothing...."

To be continued . . .

I'll probably update frequently because it's winter break and I just started my vacation.
Leave a comment and tell me how you felt!
Finally the appearance of the infamous brothers heh xD
Stay tuned!!

See you,


Okairi- welcome home
Otou-san- father

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