▪︎ Chapter 16 ▪︎

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End of Cordelia

"Say Ah~ my dear."

Rui sat back and leaned away from the gleefully smiling woman.
"That's an unnecessary action. I can eat it myself." Rui said nonchalantly.
Cordelia chuckled like always at the rejection and just ate the strawberry herself. "I thought we opened up to each other, it's a shame that the passionate moment we shared is now cold as ice~"

 "I thought we opened up to each other, it's a shame that the passionate moment we shared is now cold as ice~"

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"I just don't like unnecessary actions so don't take it personally. Also, that's not the right line to say, people would misunderstand if they hear that." Rui said with her usual monotone expression.
Rui:'She turned out to be more childish than imagined or maybe I'm just more mature.'
Cordelia payed no heed, she just picked up the wine glass that is filled with bright red liquid and took a sip.
Listening to all that, Richter just laughed along with them occasionally and chatted with Cordelia.

"What do we have here?" A familiar voice said from not a far.
Richter, Cordelia and of course Rui's attention for on the raven haired guy.
'It's about time you show up, isn't it Reiji?' Rui said in her head.

Reiji:"I heard that our uncle had a visitor but I never imagined that visitor would be you." He said with an unamused expression.

"It's been a long time Reiji. If only you weren't so stiff, you would look just like Karl when I first met him." Cordelia replied with her usual calm demeanor.
Rui:'She's still the same but the mood, it changed rather quickly.'

Reiji:"Please do not needlessly invoke my father's name. I find it seriously offensive." He said with a slightly glaring eyes.
Cordelia chuckled. "Don't be so standoffish. Come closer."

With in a second, Reiji was already on the same frool as them. Richter and Cordelia were unfazed by it. Even tho Rui, who also had her never so changing look, she still was a little amused on the inside. 'No matter how many times I witness their power, it's still not easy to adjust.' She thought.

"It is apparent that scheming comes as naturally as breathing to you." Reiji said as he stood infront of the three. With in a breif moment before Cordelia's reply, his gaze fell on the girl sitting next to Cordelia.
Rui was a little startled but despite that, she sent a small nod to Reiji as a small greeting.
Reiji's eyes looked a bit relieved now that he confirmed the Rui was okay.

Cordelia who didn't pay attention to their brief exchange continued their conversation. "Reiji, must I explain? I want to stay vibrant as long as i live. I will tell you what I despise the most." She put down the wine glass in her hand on the table while she spoke.
"It's boredom." Cordelia said as her eyes met the gaze of Reiji.

Cordelia:"Boredom is the most painful thing immortals such as ourselves can endure. Wouldn't you agree?"
Reiji answered with his calm attitude. "Yes, you have a point. Boredom doesn't suit you. Death suits you much better."
Cordelia didn't took Reiji's words to heart and replied. "I'll take that as a compliment." She lifted her one hand and gestured to her side and asked. "Won't you sit over here? I would like to talk face to face."

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