▪ Chapter 15 ▪

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The villianess

"Complete awakening time has finally started..huh..?"

Rui sat up on her bed and glanced to woman's silhouette behind the curtians.
A chamring smile was etched on to womans face as she approached the pinkette.

"Your eyes..." Rui muttered as she stared into to woman's emerald orbs.
"Hmm~? Do you like it?~" the woman affectionately took ahold of Rui's shoulders.
Rui quietly looked away in thoughts without answering but Cordelia didn't mind it, her gaze just seemed to get more attached to the girl.

'She stares too much..' Rui thought and shifted a little in her seat. That, of course didn't go unnoticed by Cordelia. "Are you nervous? Do you feel uncomfortable because of my presence?" Cordelie asked with a smile but something about it was a little scary.
'Nothing good will happen if I answer that directly.' Rui adviced herself and asked another question to evdade.

"I've been curious, why are you doing all this? For someone? Revenge? For entertainment? Anger?" Rui asked.
As soon as she heard Rui, Cordelia's mood became brighter.
With her usual smile, she answered.
"You still have a long way to go, dear. Everything I'm doing is for him, for the sake of love."

"For the sake of love..?" Rui muttered.
Cordelia looked forward into nothingness with a remembering smile.
"Yes. I was meant for him from very beginning, ever since I was young, I was meant to be his."
Rui's eyes seemed a little lost. "What do mean by that?"

Cordelia leaned to the side as she spoke. "You see, long long time ago, there were beings called the first blood. They were the mightiest and the most noble of all races but a certian disease came through and made a trajic crisis with in that noble race. There were very few survived from that disease. At that time Karl encountered a first blood woman, he wanted to take her as a wife but she was infected, the symptoms of early stages were coming out. Karl heinz thought and made a deal with the woman, promising her a longer lifespan to live. He brought the woman to the demon king and presented her as a bride to the him.
The demon king was delighted so he made an alliance with the vampires. The deal between my mother and Karl was to marry her firstborn daughter to him thus I was married to him."

'Never knew this kind of history was in this story.' Rui thought. "What kind of people was your parents?"
Cordelia:"My parents? Hmm.. let's see they were peole of status, riches and noble blood. They were people who were born on the high horse, reeks of confidence and arrogance, a prideful creatures. Out of reach, people that had millions of followers in their shadows, even for their family, they never looks back."

"It seems like you guys weren't really close huh.." Rui said and continued in her mind. 'Right, what did I expect from her parents..'
"So, you knew about Karl Hainz since you were young?" Rui curiously looked at Cordelia.
Cordelia's face beamed with delight as she chuckled. "Fufu~ it's delightful that you're trying to learn more about me~"
Rui glanced at Cordelia and looked away. 'Well, I can't help it can I? These non-human creatures and their odd way of thinking... of course it would strike up an interest. Plus, I just want to know the truth to everything as much as possible since I'm involved in this.' Rui thought.

"If it delights you then that's good." Rui simply responded.
Cordelia tugged a strand of hair behind her ears and started to speak. "Karl is special. He was with me everytime I needed him, at the right time, at the right places always. He would say all the things I wanted to hear, he is absolutely perfect. He showed me life.. how to laugh, how to cry, how to hate and how to love. Karl focusing on me was enough for me at the time but for him, I wasn't enough."
The sudden dark tone in her voice startled Rui on the inside a bit.

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