16 - Evening Party at Salender Mansion - Part 2

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I stare down at Gilbert's red hair and his red eyes filled with nothing but 'friendliness'. At least on the surface. Because he is still smaller than I am he looks like an innocent younger brother, but there is nothing innocent about what he is currently doing.

I admit. I was never fond of the color red. It's the color of the dishonorable scum had me killed in my last life... this boy is just like those people. Not everyone can feed people poison with a calm smile, with absolutely no spite in their eyes, but this kid can.

In the book Gilbert had been a happy go lucky young man with no real ambition, and no real strings attached. A player. He was the kind that was friends with everyone, but didn't seek help from anyone. He kept a barrier between himself and others, and when the heroine appeared, he opened his heart and showed a sincere smile for the first time, and he stopped flirting with other girls entirely.

Again... I feel like the novel hadn't quite expanded enough on these hidden sides of the characters in the novel. I felt like I was missing half of the story for all of them.

If he did things like this, then pulling away from people later in life would make sense, but he is still so young.

Was Gilbert always like this?

I dig through my memories of this kid while he waits for me to drink of the poisoned glass.

Gilbert... Gilbert... his introduction party three years ago. He... he'd been a very quiet boy three years ago. I didn't really start noticing him until two years ago after he suddenly started being outgoing and started talking to me.

This doesn't really tell me anything about the current situation. The book had said nothing about Gilbert trying to kill Lily with poison either, and I couldn't think of anything I had done to provoke his anger to this extent.

Though, if it had only been Lily, then she probably would've just refused him plainly. I regret my curiosity. I should have just refused it... why did I have to confirm whether or not it was poison?

Why did I panic and grab the accursed glass?!

I stare down at the reddish liquid that should have been orange.

Should I see if I can distract him... but then what?

Should I pour it into a potted plant somewhere?... but... it would kill the plant. The Gods would not be happy.

I stare down at the glass in front of me quietly.

"Gilbert, could you find my brother?"

I turn a bright smile at him. In return he stares at me with a dissatisfied expression, just for a moment though. Then he brightened again like a little sun.

"Of course I will help you find him."

Che. Not cooperating at all. He was supposed to go alone. I can't think of a way out of this, and I'd already accepted the drink. Even if I look for help, Magdalin... Magdalin is getting ready for her second dance and doesn't notice me.

What about Ameline? I scour the dancing hall for her... where is she?! She's always so busy saying I can't do this and I can't do that, but where is she when I need her?!

Then what about the guards...? It's at this point I realize that the dancing hall is black with adults standing in groups, and we are completely out of view for even the guards.

I look back to Gilbert after realizing I'm on my ow and see this satisfied smile on his lips...

I've tried this before. A chill runs down my spine as I stare at Gilbert with a newfound caution.

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