27 - The Commander

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Reinfred - Bandit Commander's Point of View

"Reinfred they seemed to have gotten back their energy and they've started pressing us back!"

My current second in command rushes to my side. He had command over the bandits getting rid of the guards, while I put the final touches on our work.

I furrowed my brows at the news.

"Didn't we get rid of the guard captain?" I confirmed.

The Celeste guard captain was quite skilled, so I had him taken out. He was a tough one though so it had taken a while for him to fall. I hadn't left until he fell so I didn't understand their sudden burst of energy and morale.

"Apparently they got a new commander, but I'm not sure."

I sigh.

He wasn't a very good leader but sometimes just throwing enough force at something will get you the result you want. This was like that.

I headed back towards where we'd left the guards and when I arrived the sound sent a chill through my body. I could hear the roars of the guards, and I could see the beginning worry in the eyes of my subordinates.

Oi oi... who had taken over the command of the guards?

I didn't hear anything about an experienced commander being here other than the guard captain.

Those guys should have been exhausted and on the verge of death.

I glance to the guys I've been hired to lead. They're looking to me for bits of confidence. Most of them are just farmers turned bandits, but others are mercenaries specifically hired for the occasion.

If we fail here the result when we go back will be death.

I look to the situation in front of me, and I know that we are going to lose this. Not for my lack of command, but because of the fear in the eyes of the rest of them.

... but... there was a chance... after all, guards and soldiers were always stupidly honorable.

I moved a bit into the crowd and had the bandits pull back a little as I called out as loud as I could.

"I, Reinfred, leader of the bandits, demand a duel!"

Everything went quiet, no screams or yells, and for a moment I thought their new commander wouldn't come out.

"I, in place of Lord Celeste, accept!"

A path opened up in our ranks and the guards moved aside hesitantly though I could hear the whispers. My eyes rounded at what met me.

Across from me in the cold rain was a child. He was no older than perhaps 8 or 9 but had an odd long sword swung over his shoulder as it it was a thin stick. The unreal sight nearly had my jaw drop.

Behind him I could see the guard captain fighting to get on his feet by leaning on his sword and another injured guard. He was considerably less injured than he had been when I left.

This kid... could he possibly know light magic?

No no no, in the first place only the commander could accept my duel.

I looked to the guards and waited for them to protest, or give an indication that this was wrong... but though their eyes were tainted with worry... they didn't say anything. This kid had been commanding them.

What was this? I stared into the kid's eyes. Was this little kid some kind of monster?

The gleam in his eyes and the resolution in them didn't belong to a child...

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