144 - Iris Celeste

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Iris Celeste's Point Of View

My name is Iris. I am eight years old and have two older bro- two older siblings. Eric and Lily.

Just so you know, the maid that just snuck into daddy's office is Felice. She was hired a while after Lily went to the academy. Felice is a nice girl, but daddy's room is off limits when he is not in there for everyone except for Eric. Even I am not allowed in there. Since the news of Lily coming home arrived daddy has been in the castle a lot so I figured Felice might try to sneak in.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Iris?"

This is Curtis. He just turned 12.He's quite a bit taller than me due to the difference in age, but he is also training to be a knight, and he is really strong already. Though, not as strong as Lily or Eric, but competing with Lily is impossible. Curtis is still very worried about Lily after she saw me giving him a tiny itty bitty sweet little kiss on the lips. She disowned me, though she cannot. I sent a letter to convince her, but she just wrote back that I'm still disowned, though she cannot disown me.

I have already convinced mommy, Josephine, Ameline, Marie, and Eric. I have almost convinced daddy too. Thus Lily is the final boss in this battle to let me marry Curtis! Marie is my handmaiden. I ran away after distracting her earlier ufufufu~

Back to Curtis before I myself get too distracted.

"No worries. Felice is good at talking, and she is good at sneaking but she does not notice a lot."

This is the third time I am doing this, so it should go well. 

Usually Curtis is busy training and looks quite roughed up, but since he's visiting he is cleaned up really nicely. It's almost like he is ready for a party all dressed up in a brown and green embroidered vest and a properly white shirt. When I get older I'm going to make lace he can put around his neck together with it. I actually asked Curtis to let me play with him today, and since the knight he is under is back at Castle Tepet with his brothers he could not resist my sweet charms for long! Ufufufufufu!

Curtis looks to the office door with a work expression like daddy and Eric when they look towards Cemetre pass for hints of the Zocrian army. He is a bit paranoid about the game we are playing.

This is a game I was taught by Lily for when we get new maids. I saw her watching the new maids a lot and when I asked her to let me play along she taught it to me. It was really hard at first, but it is a lot easier now since I know what to look for.

There is a lot of things you get points for finding out in the game, and Lily said that if I get a fifty points for each maid in the mansion then I will win the game.

Of course, if I win I will ask her to let me marry Curtis, or ask her to teach me to talk to Lumere!


Curtis' callous hand is a bit heavy as it rests on my head and his thumb brushes my hairline. Curtis has a really nice smile as he does this and seems to be calmer now. He is a bit paranoid with the servants but he smiles a lot compared to his brothers. His eyes always narrow when he smiles and his eyes twinkle with joy while crows feet wrinkle by the corners of his eyes. Perhaps I am the one falling for his charms...

Still, it is not fair to pat me like a kid. I am doing my best to be a good fiancé though he is older, but some times I think he doesn't see me as anything but a small kid, while he will be an adult fairly soon and go to the academy like all other new adults.


The handle to Father's office door is pushed down and interrupts Curtis' sweetness. I quickly grab Curtis' hand and push him into the room we are peeking from. Of course, since I have the chance, I put all my weight into pushing him behind the door and up against the wall too and reach up to cover his mouth.

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