44 - Fragile Situations - Part 3

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The king's private meeting room is thankfully a normally sized room. The furniture are mainly made of stained wood, and the walls are covered in row after row of filled book shelves. It almost seems more like a library, but these are likely records, speeches and other things the king would need for diplomacy, or preparing for diplomacy.

The room is still grand though, despite mostly being book shelves, as it connects straight to a balcony, which itself is large enough to hold a meeting outdoors if needed. I assume it also doubles as a little piece of garden. Yes, I am painfully serious. That is how many pots of plants and flower beds there are out there.

So... about the current situation. I am really not sure why both Eric and I need to be present. Neither why... Alstair... is. Furthermore, this time it's up close so a beginning paranoia is beginning to work its way through my mind.

Finally off the podium one of the king's strands of blonde hair slides out of its smoothed back position. Honestly, his mask just came off, and all I see now is annoyance on a face I assume would be taken as handsome for his age. A couple of the strands shimmer silver as he leans forward in his chair, almost menacingly. The gap between this and his generous attitude before reminds me of Alstair.

"So, Lord Celeste. Why had you not told me of Augustus?"

His Majesty's face scrunched into a grimace, and his silvery eyes shimmer with suspicion.

I learned two things.

His Majesty considered Father close enough to complain to him... or at him... but didn't care enough for him to use his given name. As such, I instinctively ended up glancing to Eric. Eric had always been by Alstair's side in the novel, but I couldn't remember if Alstair ever called Eric by name when they got older.

"I never saw the need, your Majesty."

My Father responded calmly, as if the king's behavior was the usual, or expected. No, even if Father had kept a son like this hidden, it was unexpected for the king to be this angry. Was the king thinking I would have been a threat to the throne? I do suppose I showed mass healing magic during the battles... but would something like that be enough?

The king leaned back in his heavy chair and slowly crossed his arm, while inspecting me with hints of greed in his eyes. I don't like those eyes. Etiquette in my former life demands that we do never obsess over money, but over glory instead. Those with greed are seen as... well... commoners.

"So, what country are you marrying him away to?"

The irritation on his Majesty's face grew. I can imagine that he was probably worried it was either an enemy or competition.

"I am not..."

My Father hesitated for a long breath before he continued.

"Augustus cannot sire children." Sire?



I press my lips together lightly as I hear those words so as not to actually laugh or smile. It's a brilliant truth and deception in one, and with Father's frown caused by his Majesty's displeasure it comes off as if he's irritated about it. It is a truly brilliant diversion, I mustn't ruin it by laughing, but my muscles tighten up none the less.

His Majesty's brows furrow and he turns his eyes to me. I, of course, lower my eyes to the carpet at my feet. Oh god, don't look at me, I'll break. Oh god, to think Father would play it so close to the truth. I don't have time to be amused with it, I need to confirm my Father's words.

"Due to... certain circumstances... they are not there..." I let my voice drift off at the end as I gasp the breath nearly turning into a laugh. The certain circumstance being that I'm a lady.

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