49 - Behind The Opening Scene

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Originally I had planned to ride part of the way to the capital... but because of the skirt I couldn't muster up the courage. I still pray that this is merely a cruel joke, however the reactions around me disproves my suspicions time and again. Even after arguing against this heavily, I could not get out of this shameful 'tradition'.

In the end I have decided to put this in the same category as the flowing water toilet and the late night open restaurants. Like things that seem just a little bit out of place... like... the author dreamed up some convenient things without considering if they would fit in.

As for the clothes... it appears that I am the only one that can see the gap in culture. Everyone else can't see that it doesn't match every dressing etiquette for what should be covered. To be quite frank, I find it creepy, frustrating and beyond improper. I can only condemn the author as a pervert.


The Camille Academy lies near the center of the capital, and focuses on magic studies. At least, you cannot enter unless you can use magic.

There are other educational places for those without magic, however, as expected they cannot get close to compare, as Camille Academy is sponsored by not only the royal family, but also multiple nobles.

Attending it is a way to gain status and connections for those without... and as such, yes, commoners are allowed. The heroine herself does not count as a commoner, but since she spent her first 8 years as a commoner she feels close to them. Though, I suppose they are mostly there because the author feels like she should half be considered a commoner, which gains the love of all the high ranking noble boys.

Either way, I don't intend on bothering with who ends up at her side, as long as I am not made a victim of their folly. However, to make sure I am not made a victim behind their back, I'll observe them from afar.

There are a few more things I have to explain about Camille Academy. Such as the two levels of classes, and the reason they are there.

The reason that there are two levels of classes, 'basic' and 'advanced', is because commoners who find themselves with the protection of a fairy, is often without education. As such, for such individuals, the Academy serves as a primary education. Once their primary education is over they may continue four years more with the advanced classes, but it'll cost money. In other words, the first four years, no matter the level, are supported by the generous nobles and the royal family. Well, it's likely just to increase the education level for those with power and status.

Originally, in the novel, Claire was taking basis classes. However, she should have been attending the queen's training program just as I have, so there should be no need for the basic classes anymore. However, this doesn't mean that we won't interact with commoners. The commoners from merchant families are often well educated, and there are many young noble ladies that have never touched commerce lessons, but try now as they want to at least help out with managing house personnel.

Of course, as a dignified noble lady, basic commerce is the only level your are allowed to attend... But that is because the advanced version of the course is based on trading OR fief management. They actually split this specific one in two, since the commoners were complaining that the fief management class was useless for those with no fief to run... either way. I'll be attending the basic commerce class. It is good repetition and a good excuse for later.

There are a few more important thing about Camille Academy, such as part of it being used for research. This makes the academy the center for both studies as well as research in the country. As you can imagine, it gets a lot of money for this as well.

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