143 - Returning Home - Part 4

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To simplify the situation, I have two choices regarding the death of our prisoner in the case he belongs to House Salender or the royal family.

I can cut him down by charges of murder and lying to a noble, or I can torture him to confirm suspicions and keep him as a 'guest'.

If I get him tortured him for the truth, then not only I, but everyone there will know the truth. If he ends up dead after he has been confirmed an ally it would create direct resentment between us and House Salender or the royal family.

As our prisoner has killed a family of two adults and two kids, the merchants traveling with us might make a move during the night, and I am certain Magdalin wants him dead as well. She saw all of it happen, and to my knowledge this is the first time she has seen death this way.

Keeping him alive would not be worth the trouble or anger.

Furthermore, as a noble I am not obligated to confirm whether the statement of a civilian is true or not. In the situation everyone would have said something to save their life, so excusing it as that is quite reasonable. Thus, killing him now becomes the better political move.

His owner wouldn't be able to say anything either, since the spy was there without my knowledge or permission. Accusing me of murdering a spy would be the same as admitting it, thus indirectly calling Magdalin and perhaps even me either an enemy or competition.


There are many things I could tell you of the execution, but with all honesty it became a bigger matter than I like to admit. You'd think Asher would follow the events that unfolded, but as though a demon was stuck on my back he fixated on me through all of it. You see, despite my advice not to, Magdalin decided she wanted to observe the execution of the prisoner. For closure, she said. For the little merchant girl, she said. 'For fear and vengeance', is all I heard.

From what I know, those merchants and 'John' would have been the first deaths Magdalin had experienced. She is likely frustrated with her own weakness as she was helpless, but staying would be a greater risk than what comfort it may be worth. However, she only wanted to watch so I gave in.

If she must kill one day, let it be to defend herself or someone she cares about. Not for vengeance. The momentary feeling of euphoria and control comes with heartbreaking guilt should you not be truly and fully convinced of your actions. It would be merely another ghost to haunt you.

If she was to ever consider vengeance, let me be there to take that burden from her hands. After all, what is another drop of blood in an ocean of it.


I'd planned to end the man's life before he woke. I saw no reason to have him suffer further other than malicious desire of vengeance. A sin. Furthermore the man would never end his life with the honor of a samurai, a knight or a noble. Giving him such a privilege would only shame him more for the little reason of seeing him suffer and have his words spread doubt if my suspicions were true.

Truly... It would have been for the best if he had never woken up again.

He woke as though the song of the spear called him to the world of the living for one last chance to prove his courage. Though, with widened eyes he rolled from the path of the falling spear-blade and squirmed backwards while begging us for mercy like the coward he'd proven to be.

"No! Wait! I'm an ally!"

His eyes had locked on me for a second. His eyes glistened as he snapped for his breath. Yet, I had not been the one to swing the sword. In the instant Felix hesitated to look to me for my decision the man prayed on the only one here with enough influence to stop me.

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