114 - Not One of Us - Part 2

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My head nearly went blank after everything that happened at the infirmary... I feel nauseous, and smiles of the people I've lost flashes fore my eyes... and Rudder is not among them... Mike won't be able to hold up a shield again. I'm amazed that the arm is actually still on. Usually we amputate it... for it to be limb is... I can't tell if it's better or worse...

I taught Mike a prayer for the ancestors. They do have a concept of heaven in this world, and that the dead watch over you... though it's not just ancestors, but those that care for you and have lived an honorable life. They never talk of it much, but for Mike, just knowing that he could speak to Rudder in the beyond was enough. He trusted me, despite me not being a priest or priestess here. I let him pray... but I know that it may not be enough... that you cannot replace all the hopes you had for the future of those close to you that die... that you can never have those experiences with them, make them smile or laugh... they are beyond your grasp, and never again can you surprise them, tease them or hold them. You can never again laugh with them...

We can only honor their time alive.


I got up as Vitis called me. The young man who was usually a bright and happy being had a shadow lingering over him of spite, anger and sorrow. I knew enough from his words to Mike, to know that Rudder's death was connected to Peony... and the thought made my skin crawl...

Cowardice... to a bushi... to a warrior, it is the highest insult... but when it comes to war it is no longer an insult... it is an accusation of incompetence, failure of chivalry and failure of obligation. Going to war and risking your life is a duty of a knight. If one cannot fulfill this duty, then he is not fit for the title of a knight, or the privileges of nobility.

Vitis stood up and lead me through the camp quietly... his hands keep clenching... he loosens his grip whenever he notices his action... but it's clear that his emotions are overwhelming him more than usual... I vaguely remember him chasing Peony down yesterday, so I figure he might already have beaten Peony up once... I never expected to see Vitis lose his temper... but I don't know what happened either.


Peony has been trapped between multiple stone walls, and it's clear that it has been collective work between multiple earth blessed knights. Peony is blocked on all sides, special sections stuck to where his arms had likely been, and even sections blocking over his shoulders to prevent him from in any way crawling up. The only thing sticking up is his head...

However... he's not the only one here. By a quick glance I'd say that every Celeste knight that can move on their own have seated themselves here at a good five meter distance of Peony's prison. They're watching him with spite in their eyes. Disgust. Hate. Though none has said anything you can feel it...the gut wrenching atmosphere is... thick... you can almost breathe in the hostility in the air... or split it like tofu with chopsticks...

I glance to Vitis to get things started, but with hints of spite in his voice he stares bitterly at Peony.

"You wanted me punished so badly, now go on and tell Celeste-sama what happened yesterday," he speaks coldly... I can feel the atmosphere tense at those words. Vitis is clearly speaking to Peony with hostility... but the ones that react the most vividly is the audience. Peony, however, doesn't seem to care and just looks at me calmly and confidently. He doesn't care about making friends after all.

"Before anything else I demand justice. You cannot keep me trapped in here." He brings up the contract between a vassal and their lord. As his lord, or at least as his acting lord, I must make sure he is treated rightfully and that he is not persecuted for false accusations. Of course, hearing this, the other knights' stares turn to full burdened glares. There's no friendliness left... no hesitation.

The Villainess Will Not Bring Dishonor To Her Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें