Sanity, A Poem From 2017

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All of my emotions are bottled up inside
I've walked a long road with no place to hide.
I've tried to understand the pain in me
I've lost the words that make me sane you see.
I can't keep walking on an empty street
With these poor aching feet.
I've only seen a broken stone
And I can't help feeling lost, scared, confused and alone.
I wish I had a place to go
Just one other place I could call home.
Stressed out over so many things
It's gotten hard to remember my dreams.
I've lost my thoughts
My brain sees spots.
I can't think anymore
I just feel entirely sore.
Someone save me from my insanity
It's gotten harder and harder to breathe.
It's gotten harder to see.
It's gotten harder to be...


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