Please don't go

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I find myself looking at Jandi as she walks from one side of my chambers to the other in distress. This made me jot in mind that something huge is definitely bothering her, but what could it be?

I know Jandi cares about me but this whole concubine stuff can't possibly be the reason for her sweaty hands.

No, it definitely isn't but what is it then ..what isn't she telling me?

Is she hiding something from me?

"Jandi, you do realize that I'm sitting right here on the edge of my bed, right? ..not inside my cardboard  and definitely not on the wall where you're now looking at."

"Lady Nana." Jandi called now facing me. 

I pulled her down to sit near me and then I told her to tell me what it is that's eating her up.

"You can tell me anything Jandi ..alright? You're my best friend. My only friend and I'd like to know what's eating you up, so please Jandi to me." I plead and she nods her head, hugs me and begins crying while saying softly that she doesn't want to leave me.

"My father wants me to come home." She said after a while of her outburst but ..go home, why? 

No, no, I can't let that happen. If jandi goes home I will just die of depression. Why does her father want her back home? Who's even her father? This is the first time me and Jandi are talking about something related to her family.

"Jandi you can't go, you know if you go that I'm so doomed. Nobody else knows me like you do and I'm going to talk to the Empress, I will tell her to tell your father to let you stay here." I said then began shaking my head no that I won't tell the Empress when Jandi suddenly begins acting like she's going to have a heart attack as she shakes her head no ..not to tell the Empress.

I turn her face back up to mine and plead for her to explain everything. Why does her father suddenly want her back home and why doesn't she want me to tell the Empress so she can stay?.

She grabbed my hands in hers and whispered to me even though we're in my chambers and alone, she whispers "You just can't tell the Empress." and I ask her why because damn it! I'm so confused and I don't want her to go.

I really don't.

"Because lady Nana, my father is Ying Yi Ren, the Public Censor of Shilli which is no more so i guess that makes him a nobody which doesn't matter now, what partially matters is that he's the best friend of a traitor, your father ..Kim Shi Huang.

When I told my father that Kim Shi Huang is indeed the traitor ..he became so angry, he disagreed with others and I'm sure that if he were to bet his life just to prove your father's innocence, he would have and now him learning that Kim Shi Huang is indeed a traitor, he's mourning in pain and he wants me to come back after I tell you that you should survive because you're a good child but it's time for me to live my own life."

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