Chapter 2

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“Here we are!” Amber squeals as we drive into the school campus.

Our school is one of the best and oldest in Ohio. The building is old but elegant and it has a huge garden at the entrance. Everything about the school is great except for the studies.

Just as we were about to get out of the car, we heard a loud bang which startled both of us but what shocked us more was Rhett standing right in front of the car. Rhett was my boyfriend when I was in grade eighth. I haven’t seen him in two years since we broke up and I never wished to see him again after how we ended. But seeing him here in front of us is frightening. He’s the last person I’d wish to see and I really don’t want a drama right now. But his face tells me that I’m into some serious trouble.

“Hey” I murmur just to sort things out before he turns devil and ruins everything here.

“Y-O-U B-I-T-C-H” He shouted, making many people turn their faces towards us. My instinct was right, he’s here to create some drama. And I really don’t want it now, not here.

“We can talk” I urged. Hoping he’d agree and we can possibly clear it out without creating any scene in the school.

“YOU WANNA TALK? YOU SLUT!” he yelled.

“Mind your words or else god knows what’d happen to that shitty mouth of yours. I don’t want to create a scene here. So you better leave now, Rhett.” I reprimanded.

How dare he talk like that to me after what he did to me two years back? How could he just show up in my school and create a scene here?

“What would you do, you whore. You cannot do a thing.” He snorted

Just as he said that I brought my fist to his face and punched him hard on his face which made his nose bleed.

“Don’t you dare mess with me again or else you’d possibly land up into an ICU. Now you better leave before it gets any worse.” I roared.

“I’d get back on you bitch” he snorted and left the premises.

“Well done girl! He deserved it.” Amber squealed.

Yes, he did deserve it after what he did to me two years back. I don’t know how he could have the guts to show up again after being such a jerk to me. He made my life hell back then, I still couldn’t understand how he could do this to someone. Had amber not been there with me I'd have broken down completely. She was there with me even when the whole world was against me. That's why I call her my best friend.
I just wish Rhett doesn't turn up again. I don't want to recall the past. It still haunts me like hell.



So guys what do you think happened with Cecelia? What did Rhett do?

Any guesses?

Next update will be on Monday next week!!

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