Chapter 7

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It’s been a week since I saw those beautiful eyes which are still not leaving my head. They weren’t the rare kind of eyes but there was something about them that made me drew towards them. Had Brian stayed a little longer with his friend and didn’t drag me to the dance floor I’d have surely gone to ask him for a dance. I couldn’t even see his face which means there’s no way that I’d be able to find him in the half million population of Cleveland. Which also means all the fantasies that I’ve had from past one week are useless because I won’t get to see him again. But don’t people say it’s a small world?

Well, half million isn’t small and what if he just came to Cleveland for a night or he stays in the farther corner of Ohio or it is even possible that he isn’t from Ohio. Oh god, what has he done to me? I can’t even concentrate on my assignments which I need to finish anyhow by tomorrow morning. And I haven’t even started. I guess I should go out.

So I grabbed my favorite Gucci bag and went out to a coffee shop near my house. I didn’t even change and possibly looked like a nerd. Well, who cares? I ain’t getting proposal from him anyway.

I grabbed an iced coffee and a chicken wrap and started walking out which is when I got collided with a man who held me in his strong arms. I looked up to apologize but I fell short of words when my eyes met with his once again. It is indeed a small world I thought. I cannot be mistaken, this is the same set of eyes I fell in love with last week.

He looked a lot sexier than I ever imagined. His blue eyes, medium brown hairs, luscious lips, and toned body was a treat to my eyes. He attracted me like no one ever did. But he was still unreachable because he won’t ever like me. Not after I spilled coffee on his shirt I mentally scolded myself for that.

“Oh, I’m sorry” I apologized hoping he’d say something but he just went leaving me alone.

Was I really expecting a dramatic reply from him as shown in movies that he’d fall in love with me or ask me on a date? Guess what, yes. I just wanted to talk to him, spend time with him, and kiss him.

He has attracted me like no one ever did and now that I’ve seen him again I don’t know if I’d ever be able to forget those blue eyes. He just made it so much difficult for me. I really need to get him out of my head or else I’d not be able to concentrate on anything. He isn’t ever gonna be mine I reminded myself again.

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