Chapter 4

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She had the evilest smile plastered on her face, it seemed as if we were never friends. What Rhett did was wrong but what she did was much more than wrong, she was my best friend and coming this from her hurts. I never thought a day like this would come where my best friend would be plotting games on me. But life is uncertain.

‘The game has just started sweetheart.’ Her words were burning my ear.

“Are you alright” – Amber’s voice broke my thought.

I looked around to find myself inside my bed. When did I come here? I cannot recall. The last thing I could remember was Rhett and Molly standing in front of me, with Molly warning me. I don't remember coming back home. And the back of my head is in pain too. What the hell has happened? It cannot be that I slept and forgot everything.

“What happened to me?” I asked. Concern evident on my face.

Rhett is a dangerous man. He could go to any extent to bring me down. When I was in a relationship with him each day was difficult to survive. And opting out wasn’t a choice. The starting few months with him were a fairy tale. But just like every fairy tale they weren’t real. He used to make me feel the happiest person, he cared, loved and did everything a girl dreamed of. But once the things got heated up and serious his true side was revealed. He used to abuse me and there was nothing I could do to stop it because he had explicit pictures of me which he warned to leak if I tried to reveal anything to the world. He even circulated my phone number and I used to get calls asking for the price for one night. He made my life hell. He made me weak when in reality I was a strong girl who was never scared of anything. And now I’m really freaked out because this time Molly too has joined him and I don’t know what they are up to.
Getting out of that that toxic relationship was the toughest task. It was only when I managed to delete all the pictures and change my number and school I was able to get out of it safely. I could not even complain to the police because he had his connections there. So I had to hack his computer and delete every picture saved there but this was not the only place he had my pictures. I even had to take the imprint of his finger to unlock the locker to take out the phone kept inside the locker and delete the pictures. I was about to get caught that day because he came home early but I managed to jump out of the window. It was adventurous and I was lucky enough to do it without getting caught.
After that, he tried to get back on me but I recorded his abuses on my phone and threatened him to use it against him so he backed off.

"I don’t know. When I came inside the school in search of you I found you lying on the ground. I thought you might have got unconscious because of a tiresome day so I brought you here.” Amber replied to my question

Now I remember I was hit on my head by someone just when I was about to give a sassy reply to Molly. But who hit me? It couldn’t be Molly or Rhett because they were standing right in front of me. Was that person a part of their team? Maybe

“Did something happen?” Amber’s voice drew me back from my thoughts.

“No, nothing. I guess I just fell down unconscious. “I said

I cannot tell amber about the incident otherwise she’d do something stupid out of rage. I’d have to deal with it myself. I just hope this is it and there isn't much to the story which I'm missing.

A phone beep brought me back to this world. I picked it up to check the notification and it dropped out of hand when I saw what it was about.


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