Office Standoff With Betas

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Lucinda POV

To say I was angry to how today went would be an understatement. How come, well I was angry with Devon for who he thinks runs things and does what he wants. Then I am angry with the pack as they still look at me with sadness and those petty looks. 

When I got to my room, I just laid on my bed and just thought. I have been doing this a lot lately, like my pack females. It's the case for all packs, the lower the rank you are the bigger the chance of death during child labor. Nobody knows why but I haven't seen anyone do anything about it. Not even the King. I was taken out of these thoughts of the pack females when pack work comes into my mind. Pack work, I do daily but also will get ahead by a few days. Just incase if I ever want an day off. So I got up and wondered to my office. I didn't bump into anyone on the second floor.

When I reached my office, I heard voices coming from the room. Even though the room is soundproof but I have very good hearing since alpha needs better hearing than others. This made my already angry mood worse. There is a rule in my pack that nobody enters the office without me and only me. I was sure that I had locked the door after leaving for dinner. I had the only key. So I took the handle and quickly swung the door open. It banged onto the wall with that the two wolves in my office turned to face me. And lord and behold standing there was my beta and his half brother. They had a shocked face that screamed: "caught red-handed". I shouted at them, "What the hell are you both doing in My office?"

"Devon wanted to show me plans for his highness. I wanted to make sure they were, how would you say, sufficient." Carlos calmly said.

"It is true Alpha dear. Also giving him a tour as he leaves tomorrow".

"Don't mock me, Devon, I'm already on a short fuse and how did you get into here?" I asked.

"The door was unlocked, so I simply walked in." Devon smuggled said.

"There is one problem with that, the plans for the King are with River and you know that. You watched him walk out with those the other day to set them in motion. So you both couldn't be looking for the plans."

"I know, they are. But I ..." I didn't let him finish that sentence. I flew towards Devon and pinned him against the wall behind him. Both hands around his neck so any sudden movement would snap his neck.

"Now listen to me Beta, you know the rules in the pack and nobody and I mean NOBODY comes into MY office without me. You have crossed me too many times now, you need to be punished now!" I rood at him. I feel my eyes changing black and the wolf in me surfacing. Nails growing within the betas neck and the smell of blood is coming out.

With me dealing with my beta, I forgot that his half brother was still in the room.

King Zaliver POV

The conversation with Oliver was going round in my head. How can a Beta be so defiant of their Alpha? I will definitely be speaking with Lucinda about him in the morning. Lucinda, that name gives me the chills down my back. I feel there is a connection with her, the electrical shock earlier, the easy talking to at dinner(even if it was very short) and calmness she gives off. I must be going mad, but if she's my mate then I must bring her back with me. But that would leave incapable Beta in lead. This is messing with my head. "Your Majesty, please get to the Alpha's office quickly! "Carlos' voice invaded my head. I shot off my bed and threw back on some clothes and sprinted down to the second level towards the office.

Arriving at the office I quickly take in the situation. My Beta is standing near the door looking shocked or smug. There on the back wall was Lucinda holding onto Beta Devon. "Carlos, go find either/both Oliver and River, now," I ordered him and he hurried off to fulfil my order.

"L-L-Lucinda, y-you are h-hurting m-me." Devon was stuttering against her hold. For being a female alpha, she is really strong.

"I don't care, you brought this on to yourself. This is nothing, you know we do much worse." She chuckled at this. She still hasn't noticed me still nor has he.

A few moments later somebody said, "LUCINDA what's going on?" This caught her attention and let go of one hand which had blood all in her fingers. She turned slightly but making sure that she had a stronghold on Devon. Her eyes were black and locked onto mine. I was really tempted to go hold her. What, wow I must be losing it. Carlos had brought Oliver, River and warriors. Oliver was slowly going towards her. She didn't look too pleased.

"Look Devon we have on-lookers, they must watch if you play rings around me and my doings." Her voice was a bit deeper than normal which meant her wolf was at the surface.

"Lucinda, you need to let go. Yes, he needs to be punished but not this way. You know you will regret it later." Oliver says while getting closer. Her eyes had turned away from mine and gone to her Gamma. Her hand was still on his neck but it seemed to be loosened a bit. "You need to let go, River has brought warriors to take him to be punished. Just say the words, if you punish him yourself I know you will regret it. You have done it before." Oliver still pleads with his Alpha. Her eyes start to become a lighter black which means she is getting some control over her wolf.

"River, send the warriors forward and take this," She looks at Devon with anger, "to the prisons under the packhouse and punish him how you like. Ignore he pleases until I say so." She states. River goes straight to Devon and detaches from his Alpha grasp. Her nails have gone back to her normal length but she still looked very angry.

Devon gets handed to warriors with River leading the group, leaves the office. "Oliver, go tell Abigail that she won't be seeing her mate for a while. She can come to stay in the packhouse if needed. But warn her that she is not seeing her mate while he is down there, understood?"

"Yes, Alpha." Oliver bows and  heads out to do his duty. Now it was me, Carlos and her in the office. We stood in silence with the only sounds was her deep breathing to get her wolf under control. But Carlos being him had to complain about this.

"Well, that was something. You see, she can't handle the pack and my brother. So maybe she needs to be replaced?" By now she seemed to have calmed down a bit and looked at Carlos. Property thinking that he is her next target.

"Just go Carlos, I don't want to see you in my office right now. Unless you want to join your brother in my prisons?" Wow, she's telling my beta what to do. Well, I am on her land but, oh who cares.

"But.." He starts but I beat him to it.

"Just go back to your room, Carlos. Don't take any stops, go straight there." I tell him, saving his ass from being beaten to the wall.

"Yes, your majesty," He says, bows and leaves the office. The door closes and now it's just her and me.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now