Going Nathaniel's Pack

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Zaliver POV

After the 3 left to get everything ready for our departure. I phoned Lillian like I promised Oliver. "Hey Lillian, how's everything going?"

"You actually called me, instead of the other way round, Alpha. Everything is going good in your pack. The usual things that are coming through from the surrounding pack about attacks but nothing I and Peter can't handle. What do you need, Alpha?" I hate that she called me Alpha. I told her enough times not to.

"Please Lillian, it's Zaliver. We have known each other forever. I'm just letting you know that we are going in for the kill and taking your information about the rogues at Alpha Nathaniel's pack. I'm heading there tomorrow with Oliver and we may drag Earl with us. We will meet the trackers you sent already and I would like you to send a few warriors to also meet us there."

"Sorry, Zaliver. I forget sometimes. I will let Peter know and let him decide who goes. Do you want him to go with the chosen warriors?"

"No, I rather him stayed with you. Not that I don't trust you. It's just Oliver would want you with someone he knows."

"Ah, being the overprotective mate. How is Lucinda?" I looked at Lucinda and breathed in.

"I feel she is getting there. The cure that Earl made is working. But not fast enough for her to come and get her Delta back." I say while I rub one of her hands. This is comforting to me and maybe her to fight through whatever is happening to her, as she may feel a presence with her at all times. "I'll let you get on with getting everything ready and you make sure to tell your mate of yours that I have talked to you."

I could feel her salute through the phone. "Yes, Zaliver sir." She says, pouncing every word hard. I laughed at her and ended the call. She is strange when she wants to be. She definitely got the right mate to be paired with.

I spent the rest of my time, before I went tomorrow, with her. While doing so, Oliver came and went with the information that everything is ready.

Earl also came along and saw how his cure is doing. He hasn't let anyone else know what is inside the serum, well apart from the doctors. He doesn't want it to get out. Michual has been helping around the pack and the pack has been accepting of both rogues because they are helping the Alpha and they were told that they didn't have a choice from following Harrisons orders.

I felt a bit at ease, as we had a plan but most all I felt that everything was going to be all right in the end. I lowered my head and rested it by her leg with one of my hands intertwined with one of hers. I drifted to sleep thinking about tomorrow and my lovely mate.

The next day, I and Oliver say goodbye to Lucinda before we leave. She looks better by the minute and I feel that any day she is going to wake up. After we did, we headed to the tree line where we met up with the warriors who were going with us. There were 15 of them in total. There were 6 cars we were taking. The spare one is for when we rescue River, well hopefully. He will be driven back to White Rose. All rogues will be dealt with accordingly but we may keep one or two for questioning especially if Carlos is there. Oliver has kept Harrison alive, for now. Because he feels that it should be Lucinda to kill him.  

We reach Nathaniel pack within a few hours without any trouble. His borders were not patrolled as good as mine and Lucinda's. Driving towards the packhouse was no problem. A few wolves ran along with the cars. And when we reached the packhouse, they ran off towards the back of it. The setting wasn't as good as White Rose. Alpha Nathaniel was waiting for us at the door with his Beta. We all got out of the cars and left them. "Your Majesty, my warriors are ready to take the rogues. Your warriors are also here and waiting."

"Thank you, Alpha Nathaniel." We followed him to the back of the packhouse to find hundreds of wolves were ready for their orders. I easily spotted my own, they were in front of Peter. I told Lillian to keep him with her. I walked up to him while Oliver talked with Nathaniel. When Peter saw me, he bowed. "Peter, what are you doing here? I told Lillian for you to stay with her."

"She did but I felt that I was needed here more. She is handling everything well without me." I sighed, there's no point in arguing now. I walked back to Oliver and both nodded. I took to the front of all the wolves here. They felt the presence of me because all the talk had died down and all eyes were on me.

"I see there is a good turn out of warriors to take down rogues. Rogues will not be a problem after today and we are to take back a fellow Delta from White Rose who is a warrior like yourselves. You will be brave and will be awarded generously. Also if you sadly don't make it out of this, you will be remembered for your bravery and courage to take on this task. If you are with me, give a big cheer!" As I said, the whole ground roared with cheers. I looked back and saw Oliver, Nathaniel and his inner circle cheering with the rest. "In that case, we will leave and surround the hideouts of these rogues. Let's go!"

With that, Most of the warriors shifted to their wolves. Me, Oliver and Nathaniel walked to the tree line of where we were heading out of and took off. We could hear the others behind us. Nathaniel pointed out where he saw those rogues and they were kind of smart rogues. They have covered their hideaway with dirt, twigs to make it blend in with the environment. The warriors had surrounded the house.

I took the lead by going near to the front door and creaking it open. It was empty, so they had to be underground. I signalled for them to advance forward. Then leaves were moving and growls were loud and clear. Dam, I feel they have surrounded us. Oliver came to me. "What are we going to do?"

"Nathaniel wolves can deal with the rogues out there. You, me and a few warriors are going to go down." He said okay and I mind linked a few of my wolves to follow us and Oliver told the plan to Nathaniel, who must have sent the signal to attack because all of a sudden the sound of flesh ripping and the smell of blood was in the air. We took the chance to find the opening to the underground.

When we did, it led to dimly lit tunnels. We split making sure to have one of each warrior form our packs for communication purposes. It was eerily quiet. I guessed all the rogues were fighting on top. We carried on twisting and turning and we stopped to see into each room we came across.

At the end of one of the corridors, there was a door that was locked. I made one of my nails grow and picked the lock. And of course, it opened. A warrior stepped in and waved a hand to follow. I stood in the doorway and looked into the room. And guess who was sitting on the ground chained to what looked like heavy silver chains.


Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now