What's happened/ Special Date

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Lucinda POV

Weeks of being here at Royal pack just fly by. In the first couple of days of being there. Zaliver showed me the pack and introduced me to everyone as their Luna and soon to be queen. Afterwards, Zaliver was caught up with the pack work that he has been trying to catch up with. I was mixed with helping where I can in the pack and helping Zaliver.

Within the first week, I had nearly sorted out his office of messy files and with everything just spilt and chaos. He must have known that I would do this because he saw my office back at White Rose. I bet by now, my old office is a complete tip ass.

By the end of the second week, Zaliver had appointed Peter as the new Beta because he had taken to be the leader of the pack while Zaliver had been absent and the pack with no Beta. But speaking of Beta, Carlos is still to be dealt with. But I feel that it won't be anytime soon. It is like me and Harrison. I told Oliver to keep him there and keep punishing him. But when I feel the time he should die, Oliver has given me permission to come over and kill him myself.

The third week, we both made a plan to visit Abigail's parents. When we visited them and told them that her body hadn't been seen. Let's say they were devastated that they can't lay their daughter to rest. But it's to our knowledge that she is dead or that she is alive but living a life away from everyone. They didn't want anyone else in the pack knowing and they understand that White Rose does know about Abigail. By the end of the visit they had calmed down and were their happier selves again.

The month had gone quick and everything was settled among the packs. Zaliver had taken me out on dates during the month. I'll bring you what I'm doing now, which is getting ready for another date. Helping me get ready is Annie. She was in her mid-twenties and was assigned to me to be a personal maid. But I see her as a friend and we just clicked. She isn't so formal with me as she was when I first arrived.  

Annie helped me into a purple cocktail dress with vintage floral lace that has long sleeves and a boat neck. She did simple makeup to match the dress colour and also did my hair that braids we're coming from the sides of my head which lead to a high ponytail that had been curled. I opted for low heels because I suck at wearing high ones. I wear a replica of the ring I used to wear back at White Rose. Of course, I left the real one there because Oliver will have to pass it down to his children. Lastly, a simple necklace that has the letter L on the chain.

By the time I had finished getting ready, there was a knock on the door. Annie got it. Then she called me "Lucinda, it's Peter."

"Okay," I call back. I walked out of my walk-in closet with a changing area in. I see Peter leaning on the door frame, "Why are you here? I thought Zaliver would be waiting for me here?" I asked.

Peter straightened up and bowed. "I have orders from the high and mighty to escort you to him." He held his arms out for me to take and led me out of the room with Annie calling out 'good luck'.

Peter takes me to the front doors of the palace. Yes, the palace. Now that Zaliver has me and still not mated nor marked. He doesn't want to be in the packhouse with other males. He's now acting all proactive and has been reminded, many times, that I've lived with unmated males for most of my life.

Anyway, I'm standing on the steps and looking onto a posh black Rolls-Royce that is parked on the driveway. "Peter, where are we going?" I ask.

"Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy. I can tell that's it not far but is faster by car. Plus, it's not often this car that gets used and I wanna drive it." Peter says. I nodded in understanding. So he opened the door to the back seat and helped me in. He bolted into the driver's seat and got the car in motion.

I was looking out of the window of the car, watching the scenery go by and thinking where the hell I was going. I know we have been on different dates like a restaurant, cinema, hillside picnic and even just going on a full moon walk through the pack and fields. My mind goes to the pack map that he has shown me before. If it recalls there might be a sort of beach. It is quite small but I haven't seen it nor has Zaliver told me about it.

The car seemed to come to a stop and I looked towards the front. But it seemed that the trees were still around us. Peter turned in his seat and handed me a blindfold. Of course, he would want a surprise of the location. I took it from him and put it on. I felt the car move again, properly to become closer to where I was needed.

When the car stopped again, I heard Peter got out and opened my car. I reached for his hands that he guided me out. I felt myself being guided somewhere but I was smelling of what was salty water and the sound of waves against the shore. I guess I was right about the beach.

A few moments later, we stopped and Peter whispered in my ear, "Enjoy your evening." Then he removed the blindfold and I guessed he walked back to the car since he is attached to it now. My eyes adjusted to the surroundings again and took in the view. There was a decked area on the sand with a table set up for 2 with the rising of the moon in the distance. Standing nearby was the handsome Zaliver. He was wearing a smart black tux with a few buttons undone near the collar. I walk towards him with the biggest smile on my face.

When I reached him, he took one of my hands and gave the knuckles a kiss. "You look wonderfully beautiful." I felt a blush creep onto my face.

"Thank you. I may also say you look dashing in that tux."

He gave a smile, "Thank you, let us sit and enjoy our food under the moonlight." I nodded and he guided us to the table. He slid out the chair for me to sit and then he went to the other side for him to sit down. His eyes fogged but then quickly came back to life. Immediately 2 people came out of nowhere with 2 plates of steaming hot food. They placed them down in front of us and bowed and hurried away. Sitting in front of us was Lamb with warm potatoes and olive salad. It smells heavenly. I see Zaliver raise a glass that was filled with wine-like mine. So I copy his actions so that our glasses tap each other with a clink, then take a sip. I got straight into eating the meal and let's just say it's just as good as the cooks back in the packhouse.

We both made small talk about anything that came into our heads. It was a relaxed atmosphere and soon enough our plates were cleared of our eaten meal. For dessert, mini cakes were placed and my eyes caught my favourite one, cookies and cream cake. I grabbed it and used a knife to cut a piece off. I felt I was less messy instead of shocking it into my mouth. When I did that, I noticed something was in the middle. So I used my hand and carefully retrieved it.

When I pulled it out, it was a ring. A silver band with a rose gold gem sitting on top. I was so engrossed, I didn't notice Zaliver next to me on one knee. It wasn't until he took the ring off me, I turned in my chair to look at him. "Lucinda, I have no words to tell how you look tonight or how wonderfully grateful that you are here. Looking at you the first time in White Rose, something clicked into place. You were on my mind most of the time and even when you kept phoning me, I actually questioned myself of how you could turn my mind around, nobody can hardly do that except my mate. Apart from that, I want to make it official. Well, it is official, but I want to." He stops and looks at me. I gave him an encouraging smile. "I don't know why I can't always act normal when I'm around you. Let me get these words out before I ramble on. Lucinda, will you marry me?"

I made King ramble, that's new. I didn't have to think about my answer. "Zaliver, I would be honoured to marry you." He slipped the ring onto my ring finger on the left hand, lifted me up and spun us around.

We both eat cakes, well most of them. Then headed towards the car that Peter is drooling over. He said congrats to us and drove back to the palace. I was happy that I'm going to be married to my mate but also a bit scared that it would be official of me becoming the Luna Queen. But I know with Zaliver with me, everything is going to be okay.

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