Freaking Rogues

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Lucinda POV

When Carlos left my office and closed the door, I felt calmness take over the room. My anger almost disappeared. I felt that the King had something to do with it. That Beta and his half brother were planning something but what? I moved from the wall where I held Devon at, went to my desk and pulled out a wipe for my hands. After I cleaned my hands, I fell into my chair. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I usually would have dealt with that in a better way. But lately, he's just getting on my nerves and that, Ahh!" I slammed my head on the desk, "You must think like your Beta that I can't control what's happening in this pack and my anger."

"No, I see a strong Alpha who, umm, reached the end of her anger tolerance. Don't worry, this isn't my first time seeing something like this. I never really see pack Beta's getting the wrong end of the stick. It's usually warriors or even deltas/gammas " I picked my head up from the desk to respond.

"But, your Highness..."

"Please Lucinda, call me Zaliver. Don't you dare cover for what you did. What's done is done. Move past it." I dared to look towards him. He hadn't moved off when he first walked into the room. His eyes showed emotions that are ever-changing. Anger, determination and happiness.

"Okay. But don't you think they are both up to something?" I asked, in case he had seen anything strange with his own Beta.

"Yeah, maybe they are planning to get rid of you as Alpha. They both hate you."

"Thanks for stating the obvious. Even if they have me killed, the pack wouldn't trust Devon if he did that. I feel that Devon hates me because I haven't got a mate to be alpha for the pack. Or that after all this time he finally wants revenge for not having the Alpha power transferred to him when my parents, or more specifically my father, died from the attack." Sadness washed over me, Devon shouldn't get rid of me because of the past, hell he shouldn't even be thinking about it. He is not one loyal wolf to me.

Zaliver decided to change the subject a little bit. "I'm sorry that I couldn't come to their funeral. You know that your parents and I were close. The few times I came to this pack, you followed your father in the office. Your father couldn't get rid of you when we had our meetings."

"I wanted to learn how to deal with the big boss who looks over us." I smiled at the memory. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. It's been a long day." I got up from my chair but when I moved around my desk, a warrior's voice rang in my head. "Alpha, Rogues at the south of borders. I already linked Delta and he's on his way" I respond to the warrior with "Okay I'll be there right away.

Then I linked Oliver "Ollie get your butt to the office now!" Lastly, I put out a pack link saying "Anyone who can't fight needs to get to the safe bunkers and warriors to stations in the pack lands, NOW!" I got lots of "Yes Alphas". I looked at Zaliver and sighed. Before I could say anything Oliver rushed into the room.

"Lucinda, what's going on, what was that pack link about?"

"Ollie, there are rogues in the South. River is already on his way and I'm just going to see what's going on. I need you to stay put and watch the pack."

"Yes, um what about the King over here," Oliver asked.

"Zaliver?" I looked at him, he seemed to be linking someone.

"Lucinda I'll go with you, I'm bringing 2 of my warriors with me."

"Sure, let's go.'' I and Zaliver ran out of the office and down the 2 flights of stairs. I pulled open the front door and flew down the steps. Zaliver was at my heels. I headed to the start of the south woods. "Lets change, get there faster."

 I went behind a tree and carefully undressed and wrapped it around my ankle. The crack of bones changed into my black wolf with white paws and a white line going straight down my belly and back. I came out from the tree and my head snapped to the other wolf who was approaching me, who was Zaliver. His wolf was taller than mine. His wolf was pitch black with no signs of what I could see no other colours. I moved my head towards the woods and I think he understood, so we both sped off in the direction. I thought being king he would get in front of me but cus it was my land and I knew it better than him.

Running in my wolf felt great. You really do feel connected to the nature of the land. But I couldn't really take it all in since there are rogues hanging around. Soon I could hear growls of wolves and the smell of the rogues. Before reaching them. I hid behind a tree and changed into human form, so I could speak to them. I see that Zaliver stayed in his wolf form.

Walking up to the rouges, I surveyed the area. They were just over the line to my land. I counted around 5 or 6. River was in human form with warriors in both human and wolf forms. Reaching River with the King not leaving my side. River gave me a nod of the head and returned to watch the rouges. Making eye contact with them I used my Alpha tone "How dare you come to my land. Leave now or you will be killed."

The middle of the group smirked, " But Girly, we are not doing anything. We are just hanging here waiting for some orders to come to us."

I growled at this, "What and whose orders?"

"Now that would be telling, but I'll give you a clue. You know him." Still smirking and my wolf is getting angry. I heard bones cracking beside me and lord and behold in all his sexy glory was Zaliver.

"Give me the dam name of your leader, rouge!" Zaliver shouted in his royal tone. The power radiating off him was very high. Warriors were standing tall and so was River. The smirking rouge had taken it off his face and now not looking so confident.

"Devon," said another rouge. When the name fell from them. They all turned and ran off. What they left behind was a very very very angry and furious Alpha Female, who was going to end that wolf called Devon.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now