She is back

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Oliver POV

These tunnels must go on forever or that I am totally lost. I go for the latter option. There seem to be no rogues down here, so they must be all fighting. There's been no sign of Carlos nor River. Zaliver hasn't linked through anything, well either did I.

I was going to turn when the rustling of one of the doors was noticed. We all got into a pouncing stance. But what I didn't expect to come out of the door was Michual. He should be with Jupiter back at the pack. "Michual, what are you doing here and how did you get past all those rogues at the top?"

Before he got to answer, another shadow came up behind him. "Michual, you sure we are in the right place?" I know that voice! Michual turned with a smirk and the shadow turned into my Alpha Lucinda. When she saw me and grabbed me into a big hug. "Oliver, thank god. You are okay." I just wrapped my arms around her. She was okay and I am lost for words.

I let go and asked, "How did you know we were here and got here so fast? The last time I saw you, you were lying on a hospital bed with Zaliver stuck by your side."

She shook her head, "No time to explain, we need to find River and get the hell back to our pack. Who else is here?"

"Zaliver went in the other direction and Alpha Nathaniel pack is handling rogues above this place as we speak." She nodded and asked Michual if he knew where they may hold somebody. He pointed in the direction of where Zaliver went. "Of course" I mumbled, as I think Zaliver may have an inkling he may be that way. So we all turned and quickly moved along. And glad we did because one of Zaliver's warriors had a mind link from him that he had indeed found him. But it didn't feel right. It was too easy.

I was right to think that. On the way back to Zaliver, the sound of growls and snarls were getting closer to us to where we had entered from to the outside. I hear a cus from Lucinda. "Michual, do you know any other way to get to the other side?"

"I think I do. Follow me." I nodded to Lucinda to go with him and a few warriors went along with them. I carried on advancing towards the sound of the wolves coming at us. I saw the faint outlines of shadows and told those around me to get ready.

I readied myself and gave a huge growl to let them know of our presence but they already knew. They carried on running at us, so they made the first move. So collided with the first rogue I saw. I made sure to have my claws at full length and to sue my wolf strength. I didn't want to shift into my wolf unless it was the last resort. I clawed at the wolf that resulted in them gaining a few deep scratches and when it lunged at me again I made sure to end its life by twisting its neck.

I finished at the rogue and went onto my next kill that I repeated to what I did the first. Clawed them to weaken it and then went for the final blow. The warriors with me handled quite a few and I had my fair share.

When we thought there wasn't any more coming at us, we assessed our own damages. A few scratches and bite marks that were already healing. That is good, thanks to River. I gathered the men and ran towards where we hoped we would find everybody else.


Lucinda POV

When we split up from Oliver and followed Michual to where we may find River. I knew there were warriors following us, just in case we were attacked. It is mad that only an hour or two ago, I was laying on a hospital bed with wires and machines attached to me. I woke from darkness and then the next thing the rogue Michual was leading me to this hideaway of where everyone went to with Oliver and Zaliver.

Michual says he hasn't been to this hideaway for a while but he says he may know his way around. I have to trust him. "How much further to the other side of where we are going?" I ask.

"It shouldn't be too much. It should be.." He didn't have to finish his sentence. There were loud voices being heard. I held my hand up to stop the warriors. I told Michual to stay back until I told him to move. Which of course, he obeyed.

Sneaking forward towards the voices, I was getting to what they were arguing about. One voice was talking about betrayal and about handing over someone. Then the other voice is saying that he wanted to lead. I can guess who they are but I want to be sure. I was near the edge of the wall and so I peeked around the corner. My thoughts were correct. There was Zaliver standing outside of a room and I guess inside was Carlos with my Delta.

I turned for Michual to come to me and he did. "We are on the other side of where we should come from. What shall we do?" Michual asked me. I didn't even know. I looked around the corner and studied for a plan. I guess we can move our way through the warriors surrounding Zaliver, so he doesn't have to face Carlos alone. But why am I concerned about the king? I'm guessing with the brief description of what's been going on from Jupiter, I'm not surprised I'm feeling this way.

I tell the warriors to go first with both of us behind. They should separate into the Zaliver group and look like they have been here the whole time. A few warriors from my pack were in the Zaliver group and they recognised me and gave the quickest smile before turning back to seriousness. I was blocking out the argument for the time being until I got close to Zaliver. "Michual, go to the other side and tell Ollie to come near me and Zaliver '' I whispered into Michual's ear. He nodded and parted from me to get to the other side. I made my way towards Zaliver. I checked back into what they were saying.

"You never listen to what I want. it was always you, you, you". "Calm down Carlos. As your friend and not your King, I did take your opinion but not always used it. Now, what has River got to do with this?" "My partner wanted him because of the beef he had with the pack he came from. You know who I'm talking about. I'm guessing you know who is who now." I was behind Zaliver and I touched his back to which sparks went through me. Zaliver's body stood still.

I appeared in front of Zaliver. "I know exactly who you are talking about, Carlos. He is sitting in my cells in my pack right now. Release my Delta right now!" I said in my strong Alpha voice and stared daggers at him. I stood proud and with fake confidence.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now