We May Have Found Him

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Oliver POV

It's been a week since Lucinda was put in this sleeping spell. We know she is alive because of the heart monitor and she now reacts when we hold her hand, especially Zaliver. Yes, he is still here even though Earl returned. His excuse is that his wolf won't let him leave. This has got me thinking that they are mates. He hardly comes out of the room. Only to train, take calls and to come to the meeting with me, Jupiter and sometimes the warriors.

Jupiter has done a good job in the pack paperwork and I have been training our warriors. The trackers keep getting senses but they lead to a dead end. Jupiter and I are looking for a temporary person to help us.

As for my own mate, I and Lillian speak often. She and Peter are looking after the royal pack. She agrees to come to White Rose when everything has been settled. The way she tells me about how she is handling Zaliver's pack tells me she is going to be a marvellous Beta female.

Michual has been trying his hardest in helping us find their hidden bases around our and royal pack territories. Earl is also helping us even though his death is getting closer. The cure that he gave Lucinda hasn't worked yet but it hasn't killed her either. She may not even have this cell he is on about. She may be taking long earned rest from what's been going on in her life.

Currently, I am in the office looking at the map that is hanging on one of the walls. This all the places that they were hiding in and watching us. How can we never know about this but rogues can be clever to hide their scents but that's if they remember.

My phone goes off while I circle more land that has already been looked at. I looked at the id and it was Lillian. So I quickly pressed the answer button. "Hello my dear, how are you doing?"

She laughed, "Hello to you too Oliver. I'm doing well as can be. I hope you are the same."

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. What do I owe the pleasure of your sweet voice on the phone for?"

"Charming as ever, " She said and I chuckled. "But I just had a very interesting talk with Alpha Nathaniel about this as he is close by to both packs. He says he sees a rogue around him but he doesn't really care. But he has seen these rogues carry a person somewhere. I think it was River. I told him to investigate it and we will send a few of our own trackers to help."

"Good idea, Lillian. I may go down myself with Zaliver to see if River is there. Have you told Zaliver this?"

"No, he has been unreachable sometimes. I'm guessing he is feeling betrayed by Carlos as Lucinda did with Devon." I told her about our pack with the Devon issue and she took it well.

"Well it may not be just that, I think that they are mates. So I feel that we are going to be leading White Rose pack soon. But what if I am right about this."

"Wow, Our King finally found his Queen at a time like this. Keep me informed Ollie, I doubt the King will." I agreed with her and said goodbye. I left the office and went to find Jupiter, which should be around the training area.

He was there, talking to some of the warriors and when he saw me coming he left the group. We met halfway and carried walking towards the hospital. I told Jupiter about Nathaniel, rogues and about the plan to his pack.

By the time I told him, we were walking through the halls towards Lucinda room. Jupiter knocked and a faint come in was sounded. When we entered, Michual and Zaliver were by the looks of it getting along. "Hey, guys. How is it going?" Jupiter asked.

"Michual was telling me about some of his life and about how he never really wanted to play a part of Harrison's plan. He was only one of the hundred rogues that didn't want to participate. But if they didn't join, then they would be killed. Some only wanted to live freely." I felt sorry for Michual. I never wished upon anyone to become rogue but it may be done. He was caught in a group at the wrong time and place.

He had told me about how he was caught by Harrison. He was with his brother running from the Haylake pack because his brother stole a bit of bread. While running, a group of rogues got them and dragged them both off to one of Harrison's hideouts. From there, he offered them a place to help him in the big grand plan. His brother rejected the offer because he has heard about the group going around recruiting rogues and he wanted no part in it. But because of this, he lost his life. In front of Michual. So Michual agreed because he wanted to live and that was what his brother would have wanted.

"Is there any change with Lucinda?" I asked Zaliver.

"She has been starting to grip on my hand and sometimes she flinches. I asked Earl about this and he said just keep an eye on her." I nodded. We were all worried about her. The pack is not the same but we will keep on running like normal. "How are you doing? Any closer to finding them?"

"Yeah, you should answer your phone more often to Lillian. She called you about an update." He looks down. He hasn't been a King while he's been here but ordering him to leave is a pain in the ass. "She said she had a talk with Alpha Nathaniel and he said he sees rogues by his lands. And the other week, he saw some rogues bring someone to one of their hideouts. I feel we should head out to investigate."

"That's a good idea, you and I will leave tomorrow. The sooner we investigate, the sooner this whole thing will be done with." Zaliver tells us.

"Wait what about me. I didn't know about the hideouts at Alpha Nathaniel's way but I can help with convincing rogues." Michual suggested. While thinking about what Michual suggestion. I look at Jupiter.

Jupiter's presence and the way he was standing, you would tell he was worried about something. So I asked, "You okay Jupiter, you look a bit worried?"

"Yeah, it's just, the last time you left. The rogues attacked us. And I feel uneasy with no alpha, no Beta and no Delta. I know I should be strong but I haven't really gotten over it." I look to Zaliver and he seems to have the same eyes, worried. I ran my hand, threw my hair and thought of what to do? I have to go and Zaliver being King will want to investigate. Zaliver stood up from his chair and walked over to Jupiter. He takes both hands on either side of his shoulders and looks directly into his eyes.

"We won't belong. We are not far from Nathaniel pack. You will have warriors on-site because you have to protect your Alpha still. I and Oliver believe in you to hold the pack together. You are stronger than you think. Otherwise, why did they pick you to be Gamma of this pack?" Zaliver says. There was uncertainty in Jupiter's eyes but he was a little less nervous.

"If you like, I can stay behind with you Jupe. I mean if they don't need me." Michual says.

"Thank you Michual. I think that would be a good idea." I say while Jupiter thought about his options.

"Okay, I agree with you both. I'll stay. If rogues turn up, I'll have both your heads." He joked and slapped Zaliver's away from his shoulders. Jupiter stepped towards the door.

"I'll go and get things sorted. Ready the warriors for tomorrow. You letting Lillian know it's going ahead or am I?" I asked.

"I will, I need to check in with the pack." I nodded and headed out the door, with Michual and Jupiter following. Everything is going to be okay, I hope.

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