Welcome back to White Rose

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Lucinda POV

Zaliver and I arrived back at White Rose when the sun was just peeking behind the trees to say goodnight to the world. As soon I got out of the car, I was surrounded by a few pack members, who were exiting the packhouse. They wished me a welcome back. I said quick thanks but I wanted to get to the hospital to check on River. I knew Zaliver would follow me on the short walk. So I took off towards the hospital with the King in tow. I know I should have just driven to the hospital. I just needed the extra exercise from being confined to a bed for a week.

At the hospital, the nurses quickly pointed me in the right direction for River's room. I rushed towards it in case I missed anything else. I know he would be all right because he is the toughest wolf in the pack. But I needed to see him make myself sure about his condition.

I reached his room in no time and I gave a swift knock then walked in. Inside the room finds River on the bed hooked to IV fluids. On the left are Earl, Oliver and Jupiter. On the right is Dr Lawson. Eyes were locked onto me immediately as soon I put one foot into the room. Oliver came to me and gave me a hug. When he pulled away he said, "Lucinda, you're home. When you were facing Carlos, I thought you were going to get yourself killed."

I smiled, "Really Ollie! You have no confidence in me. I had everything in control. The main thing is that we have brought River back to the pack. By the way, how is he?" I moved past Oliver and over to stand by the doctor. By then, Oliver had taken to beside Jupiter and Zaliver had entered and taken a place next to me.

Dr Lawson looked at me and told me, "Alpha, Delta River has sliver buns to his wrists and it seems it's been for a long period of time. This has weakened him with his and he had cuts that were infected when he was brought in. In the time period of when he came here to when you have arrived, he has improved a bit. Cuts are healing and colours are starting to come back to him. I would say give him a week, he will be up and walking around the pack again."

"Thank you, Doctor," I said this and he bowed and left the room. "Where is Michual?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"He crashed in a guest bedroom as soon as we arrived back," Jupiter said while chuckling.

I shook my head, "Come on everyone. Let's sleep, we had a busy day and us standing over River isn't going to help him heal faster." Everyone nodded, even Earl.

We all left the hospital after saying goodbye to River and headed towards the packhouse. We headed inside and each headed towards the respective rooms. I haven't been in my room for the longest time. I stripped my clothes and took a much-needed shower. Afterwards, it changed into nightclothes and fell into bed with me going straight to sleep.

The next morning, I made Grace bring me up to my breakfast because I would properly not be able to eat in peace. Oliver came and kept me company. He told me about his mate in the royal pack. She sounds like the perfect mate for him. They were in the middle of making plans for her to come to my pack in the next few days. With that breakfast went fast and I ordered for a pack meeting, well through Oliver as most of the pack doesn't know I'm awake yet or they could know because I was seen the day before. Who knows?

After looking presentable, I headed toward the pack meeting that has been very busy lately. I sneaked to the back of the stage of where the guys were waiting. "Go on Oliver, go start the meeting." I shoved him up the steps with Jupiter, Michual and Zaliver in tow.

Oliver started the meeting. "White Rose pack, I called for a meeting today to give an update on what has been happening. As all of you recall, there was a call about the hideout by Alpha Nathaniel's pack which the rouges may have our Delta hostage." Growls and snarls were heard around the pack. "I know, when we arrived the information was right as in a room underground was Delta River!" Cheers and applauses were sounded throughout everyone. "Yes, yes. Delta River has been brought home to us and is getting the best treatment in the hospital. This is not the only update I have, there has been an update with Alpha Lucinda." Nobody dared say anything, they all worried for me. "Alpha Lucinda has awoken and she startled us when she showed up in the rogue's hideaway. Alpha Lucinda, will you kindly join us now."

That was my cue to walk up the steps and take my place in the middle of my inner circle. I looked upon my pack and smiles, applause and cheers rang around the pack again. "Okay, okay calm down. I'm so glad to be up and running again. I would love to say thank you for respecting Oliver while he was in charge. I'm good to see the pack is still standing." I chuckled and Oliver gave me a poke. "I have heard all about what has happened. We will try to find Abigail's body but I'm guessing we will never see it again. Harrison will suffer in the cells until we feel death is good enough for him. The other partner to Harrison group was Royal Beta Carlos. He held Delta River in the hideaway and he will be dealt with to how Alpha King Zaliver sees fit." I look back at Zaliver when I say the last sentence and our eyes meet each other. I almost got lost but before they did, I turned back to my pack.

"I would like to thank Earl for discovering the cure for me to live and if he so wishes to stay in the pack to finalise his work, he shall." Earl, who is standing in the front row, gave a small smile. I guess he is still wishing for death. "I also want to thank Michual. Without his knowledge of the other hideaways around us, rogues would be attacking us still and also using his knowledge of the underground hideaway to help us find Delta River. He will be welcome to stay with the pack if he so wishes. I thank you again for your hard work and bravery during these tough times in the pack. Go about your day, everyone is dismissed." Cheers, and shouting 'Welcome back to White Rose' were sounded through everyone.

I walked off the stage with everyone following me. The week or so is going to get better with the pack. At the bottom of the steps Oliver, Jupiter and Michual gave me a hug. When they parted and said they were going to check on River. Zaliver came up to me. "You did well with your speech. I'm leaving when Lillian comes because I'll use her car to drive me back."

"Okay, is there another reason for you stalling to go back?" I knew there was, as it is to do with me.

He sighs, "Yeah, I want to get to know you better because  we are mates. But we won't be able to see each other every day. I know we haven't really spent much time with each other unless you count me sitting with you in hospital. With everything slowing down at last, maybe we can see where we go?" My wolf is doing backflips because he said he wants us.

"Sure, let's see where the next few days bring us," I say and we walk to my office hand in hand. I was anxious to see how bad the mess is because I feel that they made a big mess of my neatness.

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