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3rd person POV:

As Amelia made her way through Rome she took in the beautiful city. She knew that she would have to leave soon, but it was going to be hard. Over 1000 years ago she had been born here, and when she moved to the new world she was heartbroken. Now here she was again, running from her past. Amelia cleared her head, and realized that her phone was buzzing in her pocket. She pulled it out and quickly answered.


"Oh thank god! Lia, I've been kidnapped by a coven of witches in New Orleans and I need your help!" Her best friend said on the other end of the phone.

"Oh my god! Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can Hayley. Are you alright?" Amelia responded, a bit panicky. 

"Yeah so far, I'm fine. They keep doing these weird witchy tests. Just please hurry Amelia," Hayley begged. Amelia nodded her head as she picked up her pace. She needed to get to her apartment so she could pack her bags. 

"I will Hayley, see you soon," Amelisa responded. Amelia hung up the phone and she slipped her phone back into her pocket. Looking around to make sure that nobody was watching she vamp-sped to her apartment. 

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