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3rd person POV:

Elijah went off to find Klaus. Meanwhile, Amelia and Hayley were left alone in the cemetery.

"Lia, what's wrong?" Hayley asked. Amelia looked up from playing with her hands.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I could feel your hand. You were tense the entire time that Elijah was showing us his past, what's wrong?" Hayley repeated.

"Nothing is wrong Hayley, really," Amelia assured her.

"Oh come on Amelia. I know you, and I know when you're upset. Tell me. What's wrong?" Hayley scolded, rolling her eyes. Amelia sighed, knowing that she wasn't getting out of this one.

"Fine, Hayley. But you have to promise not to hate me and don't tell anyone," Amelia insisted.

"I promise, but why would I hate you?" Hayley asked.

"You'll see," Amelia responded. She closed her eyes and imagined her red hair. She imagined her old self. Her true form. She felt a tug in the middle of her forehead and it spread downwards. When she opened her eyes she saw Hayley with her mouth hanging open. She looked down and saw her red hair.

"You- what? What the hell? You look exactly like that dead girl!" Hayley cried. She stood up and slowly came over touching Amelia's hair.

"Hayley, I am the dead girl," Amelia responded. Hayley froze and just stared at her, her eyes wide.

"So you're trying to tell me that you were alive for everything that Elijah just showed us. You're the girl that Klaus loves so much? Hold on, I just saw your dead body, how are you alive?" Hayley questioned.

"Well, turns out the blood was still in my system, it was just barely there. That's why it took me so long to wake up. Yes, I'm the girl that Klaus loves, no I don't want him to know that I'm here. He killed me. Plus, I've gotten over him," Amelia explained. Hayley took a minute to let sink in.

"Wow, okay. Well if you ever need anyone to talk to about any of this stuff, I'm always here. I mean I'm always here anyways, but yeah," Hayley told her.

"Thank you for not hating me," Amelia told her. "And please don't tell anyone."

"I could never hate you Lia, and I promise that I won't. I get why seeing that stuff would be hard though. Seeing yourself die doesn't sound very fun," Hayley responded.

"Yeah it's not," Amelia confirmed.

"Oh my god! I just realized. You're like a thousand years old! Wait, so are you an Original?" Hayley asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact. I am an Original. I'm the sixth," Amelia told her. Just then she heard voices coming towards them. She closed her eyes and imagined her mask. Her straight, brown hair. She always kept her eyes the same. They were a brilliant blue, and they were her favorite feature. She didn't want to lose them. When she opened her eyes Hayley was gawking again. "It's amazing how you can just do that." Amelia shot Hayley a small smile. Sophie and the witches came back and they had Elijah and Klaus in tow. As soon as she saw him, she sucked in a breath. Amelia didn't know how it was possible but he looked even better now. His hair was short, and curly, and he was lean and muscular. His jawline was sharp and his pink lips were as full as ever. Almost immediately Klaus' blue eyes met hers. Just as quickly, she looked away. If he looked too long, he would recognize her. She couldn't have that happen. She glanced over at Hayley and both of them stood up, making room for the newcomers. Hayley squeezed her hand.

"I don't know if I can do this Hayley," Amelia whispered to the brunette beside her.

"You're going to be fine. Act as if you don't know them. Don't blow your cover. Everything will be fine," Hayley reassured her. Hayley was also trying to convince herself. She was also aware that she was carrying Klaus' child. What if Amelia started resenting her for it? What if this ruined their friendship? Hayley quickly brushed of those thoughts. Amelia wasn't that kind of person. If Hayley had known about their history, she wouldn't have even gone anywhere near him. The witches came over and dragged Hayley away from Amelia. Amelia shot them a look but didn't fight them. Sophie started explaining the situation to Klaus and everyone held their breaths as they waited for him to react.

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