Forty One

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To say the Amelia's life got simpler from that point forward was a lie. In fact, it only got more complicated.

Hayley's due date was practically on top of them, and Amelia felt restless. There was trouble brewing, she could feel it. Something big was going to happen, but Amelia didn't know what.

She walked down the stairs of the compound, finding it completely empty. She shrugged and headed into the kitchen to grab a blood bag out of the fridge. When she entered, her eyes widened when she saw the back of a familiar head of hair.

"Rhea?" Amelia asked. The woman turned around, and a smile broke out on Amelia's face when her suspicions were confirmed. "Oh my god, how are you alive?"

"I had vampire blood in my system remember?" Rhea asked coldly. Amelia frowned as she thought back to the events in Rhea's home. They all seemed so long ago, when in reality it had only been a few months.

"I didn't even consider it. I thought that it would have all passed through you by that point," Amelia responded. It was true, Rhea had been fed vampire blood, but the redhead had assumed that the blood had passed through her system, and that there was no hope for the witch.

"So you're a vampire now?"

"Yes, and it's all because of you," Rhea said. She points a silver dagger towards Amelia, and the redhead immediately recognized it as one of Nik's daggers that he used on his siblings.

She stands her ground as she spotted a dozen other vampires come into the compound and head for the kitchen.

"Rhea, what is this?" Amelia asks.

"These are some of your sirelings. They're pissed at you for turning them, so they decided to help me kill you," Rhea answered.

"I can't be killed," Amelia reminded the ex-witch.

"No you can't, but you can be put down. And that's what we're going to do. This dagger is going through your heart, and then we'll cart your body around with us for the rest of eternity. The Originals will look for you, but they will never find you," Rhea sneered.

"Why? Was being turned into a vampire so bad?" Amelia asked the vampires around her. They all snarled at her in response, and Rhea laughed maniacally.

"You killed our families Amelia. You used every single person here for your own self benefit. Some for food, others because they could help you get what you wanted. You used my family for a thousand years to keep yourself hidden because why, you were insecure?"

"Rhea, I..."

"Save it Amelia. We all hate you, and nothing you say can change that," Rhea said. Amelia sighed and looked around her, scrutinizing the vampires. She didn't see anyone who seemed to be much of a threat, but she knew that if she was caught off guard, one could easily stab the dagger into her heart.

"Well then what are you waiting for?" Amelia asked. At this, five of the vampires rushed toward her, but before they could touch her, their hearts were ripped through their chests.

She let the hearts roll out of her hands, and looked to the others. "Who's next?"

One by one, Amelia took down the vampires. More and more showed up to meet their demise. She bit into the neck of the male attacking her, before shoving another's heart down the his throat, and snapping his neck.

She moved onto the next, before the only vampire left standing was Rhea.

"Is that all you got, because I can do this all day," Amelia said.

"No, I'm not quite finished yet," Rhea replied with a sadistic grin on her face. She wolf whistled, and then suddenly a group of witches walked into the room, chanting. Amelia felt nothing as she stood with her hands on her hips, impatiently.

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