Twenty Seven

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3rd person POV:

About to make his way back to his room to check on Amelia, Klaus noticed Elijah nearby.

"Haven't you had your fill of telling me all the ways I've disappointed you, Elijah?"

"Well, there is something important we neglected to discuss. I accused you of having ulterior motives regarding the child. I was wrong. I'm sorry," Elijah apologized. Klaus couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he doubted that the apology was sincere.

"I imagine that must have been hard for you to say," Klaus remarked.

"You don't make it easy to love you, brother," Elijah retorted, almost jokingly.

"And yet, you're obstinate in your desire to do so. When you're ready, should you be so inclined, both you and Rebekah are welcome to join me here. It is, after all, our family home," Klaus told his older brother. He smiled and then hastily made his way upstairs to check on his beloved redhead.

Walking in the door, he finds Hayley sitting next to a still unconscious Amelia.

"Anything?" Klaus asked. He looked down on the redhead's face and was relieved to find that she didn't appear to be in pain at that moment in time.

"No. I'm just grateful that she's settled down," Hayley said, noticing the same thing that Klaus had.

"You need sleep if you're going to keep the baby healthy," Klaus said.

"I'm not going to sleep until I know that Amelia is safe," Hayley told him stubbornly. Klaus was about to order her to go rest when a loud gasp escaped Amelia's lips. Both of them looked down to see Amelia sitting up, and panting. She was looking around wildly, trying to take in where she was. Amelia was so glad that she was finally awake because that meant that all of the torment stopped. She was surprised when she was pulled into a bone crushing hug. She smiled after a moment, and hugged Hayley back.

"Amelia Moretti! I swear to god, if you do that again, I'm going to murder you," Hayley said sternly. Amelia pulled back and laughed slightly.

"Sorry, I couldn't really control it. Believe me, I would prefer not to do that again," Amelia told her. Worry flashed through Hayley's eyes but Amelia was glad that she didn't ask any questions.

"Well, I'm supposed to go rest now that you're awake. We will be talking tomorrow, don't think that you're going to get out of it," Hayley told her.

"Good night Hays," the redhead responded. Hayley pulled her into a hug again, and then left the room.

She smelled Klaus before she saw him. He smelled of fresh pine. Amelia thought that it was a wonderful smell. It was what he smelled like a thousand years ago, when she had fallen in love with him.

"Hi," she said, turning towards him. Klaus stayed silent, and frozen for a moment before rushing towards her. When he reached her, he grabbed her face and smashed his lips against hers. Amelia was quick to respond and kiss him back, reaching up and tangling her fingers in his dirty blonde hair. Everything in the background faded as the kiss went on, and there was electrical currents, surging through both of their bodies. Staying connected to each other, Klaus slowly pushed her backwards so that Amelia was laying down with him on top of her.

Eventually though, even vampires needed air and they pulled apart panting.

"Hi," Klaus responded. Amelia smiled up at him and kissed him again, pulling away much sooner than Klaus would have liked. He rolled off of her, but stayed next to her. Amelia, being cold from the sudden lack of body contact cuddled into his chest. One of Klaus' arms wrapped around her, holding her close, and the other was holding Amelia's hand which was laying on his chest. They laid there in silence, enjoyed each other's presence for awhile, Klaus placing kisses on Amelia's forehead intermittently. Finally, his curiosity got the best of him.

"So what happened?" Klaus asked. She thought back to the hooded figure that had tormented her, showing her scenes from her past.

"There was this woman. She...she showed me some of the things that I've done in the past. Things that break me everytime I think about them. She forced me to watch them over and over again," Amelia said quietly.


"I don't know. She kept telling me that she would only stop when I had repented from my sins, or whatever that means," Amelia said.

"Then, how are you here?" Klaus asked.

"My sister showed up. Remember little Rosalina? Yeah well she's not little anymore. She's joined the ancestors or whatever they call themselves. She's beautiful. She told the woman to go away, and she did. And...and then she forgave me. The best part was that my mother forgave me as well. She told me that she was proud of me, and that she loved me," Amelia explained. A tear slipped down her cheek, and Klaus was quick to wipe it away with his thumb, before returning to rub his thumb across her knuckles.

"Forgive you for what? What did the woman show you?" Amelia sat in silence for a moment when she heard Klaus' question.

"She showed me the night that I killed my family," Amelia whispered. Klaus wasn't sure he had heard Amelia right.

"The night you did what?"

"The night I killed my family," Amelia repeated, louder this time. She met Klaus' eyes and was relieved to see that there was no silent judgment passing through them. He processed her words, and mentally kicked himself for not being there for her, back then.

"Tell me what happened that night," Klaus requested.

"I don't know if I can," Amelia told him. Klaus pulled her closer and rubbed his thumb soothingly on her arm.

"That's fine. You can tell me later," Klaus told her. Amelia looked up at him, and smiled. After a moment she spoke.

"Thank you for being here. I know I pushed you away, but if I'm honest, it was just because I was scared."

"I never forgot you Lia. And I never will. I love you," Klaus said. Amelia saw the raw emotion shining in his eyes and she smiled.

Klaus leaned down kissing her again. She smiled into it, thinking about what her sister told her.

"Want to know something?" Amelia asked.


"Apparently, I'm becoming a hybrid," Amelia told him. Klaus looked down at her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean a hybrid?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Rosie told me that being around you is bringing back my witch side. My vampire side will stay as strong as ever, and might become stronger while it happens," Amelia explains.

"That's wonderful love," Klaus said. He remembered how much Amelia loved being a witch back when they were human, and the joy that was radiating from her right now told him that she was excited to have that part of herself back. He was pulled out of his thoughts by her yawn. "You should get some sleep." Amelia looked up at him, with an eyebrow raised.

"I never want to sleep again," Amelia told him.

"I'll be right here to protect you. Plus this will be on your own accord," he told her.

"I don't need protection, but thank you," Amelia said. Klaus felt her relax in his arms. She turned over, facing away from him and the Hybrid watched her fall asleep peacefully. Shutting the light off, he put an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his chest, and buried his face in between her head and shoulder. Amelia let out a soft sigh of content, when she felt Klaus pull her towards him. This was where she belonged, in his arms, by his side.

YOU GUYS!!! They kissed again! Ugh I love them. Should we make a ship name for them? I think it should be Kamelia. Team Kamelia for the win! On another note, does anyone have any guesses on who the woman that was tormenting Amelia is? ALSO, I'm in the process of writing my own original story. Let me know if you guys want me to publish it now or wait for this story to end. Love you all! Thank you for reading 😘

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