Twenty Five

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3rd person POV:

Rebekah and Elijah are still in the werewolf encampments, looking around for the new group of werewolves that Eve told them about. Rebekah looks in distaste at the makeshift homes.

"All these wolves really travel in style, don't they?" Elijah opens the door to a trailer, and peeks in.


"Behind on their payments, perhaps?" Rebekah remarked. Elijah shot her an exasperated look.

"So, proceed then," he offered.

"Let's not, and tell Hayley that we did. Then, you get to impress the girl, and I can go home. You know how hovels depress me," Rebekah suggested. Elijah smiled weakly.

"I'm not trying to impress the girl."

"I should bloody hope you are, why else are we out here?" Rebekah asked. However, Elijah remained silent. "Come on, Elijah! You've fallen for her, admit it! May do wonders for the stick that's lodged up your enduringly-stoic arse if you did."

"If I admit to you that it's complicated, would that suffice? Or, are you determined to torment me throughout this endeavor?" Elijah asked. They hear a noise and turn to find that the vampire hunting party has returned. One of the vampires is feeding from a male werewolf. Elijah vamp-speeds over to Diego and pulls his head backwards by his hair.

"Darling, we need to stop meeting like this. This is how rumors begin!" Elijah said sarcastically. He releases Diego. "You can go now." No one moves, and Elijah sighs in annoyance. "Perhaps I'm not making myself clear here. This is a threat. In precisely three minutes' time, your little hunting party will become the prey. Now, based on your recent failure to subdue my baby brother Niklaus, despite a better than a 100-to-1 advantage, I recommend you heed my warning." Diego is visibly frustrated and embarrassed, but he reluctantly leaves with his fellow vampires.

"Impressive!" Rebekah commented.

"Well, I thought the situation demanded something a little dramatic." The hurt werewolf, Cary, is groaning in pain on the ground. He gets up and looks at Elijah and Rebekah suspiciously.

"Who are you people?" He asks. As Elijah approaches Cary, he notices a distinctive ring that he wears around his neck and looks surprised.

"I would say the better question is, Who are you?"


Amelia was sitting in her room after getting cleaned up. She was wearing a pair of black leggings, and grey v-neck sweater with a pair of white socks on. Her pair of black heeled boots on the floor near her, which were miraculously not touched by blood. She was laying on her bed, scrolling through her pictures on her phone. Hayley was sitting next to her, staring at the ceiling.

"So what's going on between you and Klaus?" Hayley asked abruptly.

"Excuse me?" Amelia questioned, shocked the question was even asked.

"What's going on between you and Klaus?" Hayley repeated.

"Nothing, why?" 

"I saw the way he looked at you earlier. Before Marcel freaked on him. He was making sure you were okay. He still cares for you. So what's going on?"

"Absolutely nothing. He can care for me all he wants. I don't care for him," Amelia assured her. But to Hayley, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. 

"Okay then," Hayley said. Amelia turned back to her phone, but a a sharp pain pierced her stomach. She groaned and grabbed it, scrunching into a ball. "What's wrong?"

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